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Sales Booster for your JTL store. What is the admorris Pro Checkout Motivator all about? How this plugin transfers the potential purchase to an actual purchase is what we explain to you in today’s video.

The Checkout Motivator from admorris Pro

You use JTL and are looking for a plug-in to optimize the check-out process? Then the Checkout Motivator from could be just the thing for you. Checkout Motivator is a sales booster for your JTL store. It encourages the customer to make their potential purchase if an item has already been added to the shopping cart. This is done through targeted marketing activities. If the customer wants to leave the page even though his item is already in the shopping cart, a pop-up appears. The pop-up encourages the customer to complete the purchase after all, e.g. by offering discounts. For example, in the pop-up appears the sentence: Order in the next 20 minutes and you will get 20% discount on your order. This incentive motivates the customer and the probability that the purchase will be completed increases significantly.

Advantages of the Sales Booster

If more customers complete the purchase instead of leaving your site too early, the benefits are clear. Your sales will increase and that too sustainably. Because the visual stimuli create a strong buying impulse in your customer. But also a joyful buying experience when they get a discount. Creating a good buying experience is important because it will strengthen the customer’s trust towards your site. This positive aspect can lead to the customer deciding to buy from your site again in the future.

Want to boost your checkout process?

We will be happy to provide you with detailed information on all marketing strategies to optimize this process. Just get in touch with us, we will answer any questions you might have

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