What is search engine advertising?

One of the most effective methods of gaining traffic is search engine advertising. Your advertising will be displayed to the target group you have defined. Although the ads are identified as such, they blend into the search results in a way that significantly increases the likelihood of clicks. The ads always appear before the actual search results.

The challenge here is to draw attention to your offer in a short sentence so that searchers immediately bite. It may also be useful to advertise a special discount. But let’s go step by step.

How do I get started with SEA?

First, find the search engine of your choice on which you want to advertise. As of November 2019, Google’s market share for Internet searches was 90% on desktop, and as high as 98% in mobile searches. (Source: https://seo-summary.de/suchmaschinen/). Bing has a share of just under 6% on the desktop, mobile 0.42%. Bing’s share is small, but Bing search is preset on every Windows PC. If potential customers search via Cortana or the search field at the bottom left of the desktop, Bing is always queried – unless the user sets something else here.

Planning your campaigns and ads

Google Ads and Bing Ads will help you create your ads. First of all, you can use the keyword tool to find out what your target audience is searching for and under which terms your competitors are found. There you can also see approximately how high the competition is. Depending on the competition, the price per click (CPC) can be worth a few euros. You should therefore carefully consider whether to make this investment, because once your ad has been placed, you pay per click. We are happy to support you in planning your campaigns and ads, because here it can already become complex – our experts have been working with Google Ads for over 10 years, among other things.

Analyze, Optimize, Analyze, …

You have placed one or maybe several ads? Very good, then you could evaluate the reach (impressions) and the CTR (click-through rate), for example. The CTR shows how many KIicks your ads have generated. Google does support you in this and also shows you hints on what to act on, but which KPI is crucial for you is up to you. However, it’s important to look at changes regularly and respond to problems quickly to avoid paying money unnecessarily.


Often the keywords are chosen too general, so that your ads are often played out, but very rarely clicked. If the CTR fits and you have keywords with a high CPC (Cost Per Click), the next value becomes interesting: CR, or Conversion Rate, indicates how many of the clicks have actually led to a purchase or action.

How do I achieve a good conversion rate?

Your website should be attractively designed and match your ad! If you want to promote something specific, you should create an optimized page (landing page) for this purpose, to which the ad will point. If this page is attractively designed, this is a good hook to keep the customer on your site.

When you promote an online store, make sure it works. As trite as it may sound, but play a test customer and try out your own store. Are all functionalities given? Is there a hitch somewhere? Do the pages load slowly? Are images distorted? Can the item really be bought?

Search Engine Advertising (SEA) Agency

Good search engine advertising is not expensive, as it pays for itself quickly. We will be happy to help you create your ads and keep them optimal at all times. Why not arrange a free initial consultation right now?

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