Create Instagram Reels Remix

Instructions for the new Instagram feature

Instagram Reels already bring a great reach, but Instagram Reels Remixes are even more efficient. Instagram likes it when other users remix your reels and you can reach your target audience through remixes. In this video we will show you how to activate the function.

Create Instagram Reels Remix - TikTok Duets on Instagram?

After Instagram added Instagram Reels over a year ago, they’ve now picked up another feature from TikTok. Namely Remix. With this you can remix reels, as the name suggests. This means you can react directly to a reel with your video, share your own reaction, imitate the person from the video, comment on something or share his thoughts about the reel with his followers. The possibilities are endless. A prerequisite for a remix is that the creator of the reel has accepted the possibility that other users can remix it. So as a creator you have the possibility to choose if you want to make your own reel available for other users.

Create Instagram Reels Remix - Enable / Disable

First, we’ll explain how to disable or enable remix creation.
To do this, go to Settings and then Privacy, then press Reels. Now you can choose whether you want to allow a remix or not. Instagram’s default setting is automatically set to Allow. You can also see more detailed info here: “If you enable remix creation, anyone can create reels where an existing video of yours plays alongside his/her video. Also, remix makers can download your video as part of their remix. You can disable remix creation for individual reels in their respective menus. If you disable remix creation, it will not affect your original audio. This can be used by all users.”

How to create them

Now let’s look at exactly how you remix a reel.
When you have selected a reel that you want to remix, press the three dots and then press “Remix this reel”. Now you will see a view where the reel is on the left and you are on the right side of the screen. You can now contribute your version to the reel. After recording, you can mix the audio from both clips and adjust the volume of both videos as you like. It is also possible to add a voice over or various filters afterwards. When you have everything edited the way you like it, you can post it normally. So you can see that the new feature on Instagram is relatively easy to use.
But using reel remixes should be just one part of your social media strategy. If you are missing one so far, eBakery as a social media agency will be happy to help you create one. Please make an appointment directly.

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