Does Instagram advertising limit your organic reach ?

We enlighten you

Is the myth true that paid reach limits your organic reach?
In this Instagram tutorial, we’ll take a closer look at how the Instagram algorithm works and whether it reduces your organic reach if you’ve already used paid Instagram ads.

Does Instagram advertising limit your organic reach ?

In this video series, we want to share with you two Instagram hacks that can be the icing on the cake of your ongoing Instagram strategy. If you haven’t figured out a strategy for your company’s Instagram account yet, we at eBakery are happy to help.
This blog article addresses the myth that paid reach limits organic reach on Instagram.

If you pay once, do you always have to pay?

The most assumed intention behind this, is the thought “If Instagram realizes they can get money from you, then they want to keep having it”. According to the motto: If he pays once, he pays a second time.
The basic assumption is not that wrong, even if Instagram’s intention is different and there is something else behind this range restriction. Let’s take a closer look at this and clear it up.
Who you are displayed to, when, how often and where, is regulated by the algorithm, as you probably already know.
This checks your relevance about once a week, which is based on various factors, such as of interaction your audience. This is then used to calculate how much coverage you should receive.

Does Instagram advertising limit your organic reach - Here's how the algorithm works

So now when you promote a post on Instagram and run ads on it, you are acquiring a boost. That means this post will be shown to more people than your organic reach would allow. What the algorithm then does is to use this achieved relevance value as a guideline for your future posts, whether you promote them or not.
So if you don’t promote the next post, the algorithm sees that you are getting less engagement and therefore less relevant and lowers your relevance score, which as we just explained, limits your reach.
In summary, this means that the result of the range restriction can be correct, but this has nothing to do with the fact that Instagram acts greedy for profit, but the crucial point is that the algorithm does not distinguish between paid traffic or organic traffic.

So are paid ads for Instagram perse bad then?

Which is worse - the boost or the drop ?

No, you can’t say that as a general rule. As always, it all depends on the strategy. Promoting your Instagram posts without a strategy can go well, but you might as well win the lottery if you go to the kiosk now and hand over a ticket. So as a resume on the Instagram Ads topic, if you start promoting your posts, you either need to keep promoting them in the future to maintain the relevancy score or have such good content that it works organically. This means that if you run Instagram ads without any rhyme or reason, in retrospect the long-term drop can be worse than the short-term boost bought by ads.

Feel free to contact eBakery with any questions or concerns about Instagram Ads

I hope you were able to understand the core idea of the whole thing. So if you want to be on the safe side, leave it to the experts.

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