When should you post on Instagram ?

We tell you

When to post on Instagram, we’ll explain in this blog article.
Find out when is the best time to post your Instagram photo or reel to generate maximum reach here. If you don’t want to miss it, check out our Instagram Tutorial Screencast.

This is how the starting position looks in relation to the competition

If you look at the prevailing situation from the outside, it looks like this. You’re competing with hundreds, thousands, maybe tens of thousands of others in your industry and ultimately fighting for one thing on Instagram – reach and visibility. You can achieve this through hashtags, through good and thoughtful content that increases the engagement of your audience, but also through the right timing.

So when should you post on Instagram now ?

If you post haphazardly at times when your community is not active, there will be no interaction immediately after posting and you will lose reach. Accordingly, not a good basis. So what can you do now?
Since most of this video is geared towards businesses, I’m assuming you have a business account.
From there, you can go into the Insights in your account and see how your target group is defined in terms of age, location, but also gender. But what is interesting for us is when our community is most active, which we can see at the bottom. The trick is not to select the exact time displayed. Because let’s hypothetically go through what the majority of companies will do. The competition will most likely want to tangent a very similar target group as you, which will then also be active at the same time. Since there are umpteen other activities that companies have to take care of besides social media, schedule posting tools are used like Later.

When to post on Instagram - Keeping the timing right with "Later".

If you haven’t heard of this app yet, we’ve got the top 5 Instagram apps for you, including Later. As a small tip on the side, if you use such a tool, then actually only Later. This app is in fact authenticated by Instagram. If you don’t, Instagram will consider it third-party software and may limit your reach, so be careful.
But back to our scenario. So the majority will now go with and take as a guide the time declared perfect by Instagram. So for example. 6 p.m. What you should do now is not to take 6 p.m. as a guideline, but to use your posts for example. schedule for 6:17 p.m. or 6:23 p.m.

When to post on Instagram - implement the right time

The basis of this is that the newsfeed of your community is not arranged chronologically but based on relevance by the algorithm. So now, if you always post at even hours, you’re competing with all the other companies in your industry for the first spot. The bottom line for you is this:
Go into your Insights, look at the peak of each day and choose not the ideal time, but always something before or after based on that. This way, you don’t have the optimal time, but you have the time when not everyone posts, which reduces the engagement, but also the competitive pressure, which is worth it in the end.

For further questions we are gladly available as a social media agency

If you want to optimize your Instagram channel or other social media channels besides the ideal time to post, feel free to contact our social media experts and make an appointment directly.

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