Earn money on Twitch

How much money do streamers make?

We’ll show you how much money you can make on Twitch in this Twitch tutorial. Whether it’s through advertising, paying subscribers, or bit donations, there are many ways to make money as a streamer with Twitch. You can find out how much is involved in the video.

Earn money on Twitch - This is what streamers earn

For several years now, live streaming via Twitch has become very popular. Streamers report that they earn a living through their streams. It is also repeatedly reported that extremely large amounts of money can be earned on the platform. Some streamers have now become rich through Twitch. That’s why we’re going to take a closer look at how much you can earn on the platform. Since many streamers are extremely successful on the platform and have five- to six-figure viewership numbers, many think it’s easy to make quick money there. But there’s more to being a successful Twitch streamer than just someone filming themselves gaming.

This is what you need to earn money

Especially strong viewer engagement and interactions are very important on Twitch. In addition, the content of the stream and the charisma of the streamer play a big role. Reliability, in terms of content and also the timing of the stream, are also important. So the basis of a successful Twitch channel is a regular and entertaining stream. There is no money for a stream from Twitch itself. So the stream is just the basis for other ways to make money. For example, through subscribers. Followers and subscribers are two different things on Twitch. As a viewer, you can follow a Twitch channel for free. Subscriptions, on the other hand, are subject to a charge. There are three membership levels here: 4.99 euros, 9.99 euros and 24.99 euros per month. As a subscriber, you get certain benefits that simple followers don’t. Of the money a streamer earns through subscriptions, 50 percent goes to Twitch and 50 percent goes to the streamer.

Earn money on Twitch through bits

Also, Twitch viewers can buy bits. Streamers can be supported with these bits. If you support a streamer with bits, an animated emote will be shown. The higher the amount, the more elaborate the emotes. As a streamer you get one cent per bit. 100 bits are therefore one euro. Money can also be earned through advertising. For a commercial you get 2 dollars per 1000 viewers on Twitch. Of course, there are other ways to earn money such as sponsorships, affiliate revenue and merchandise

Defining an exact sum will be difficult

Similar to YouTubers, it is therefore not possible to simply say a certain amount. There are streamers who earn six-figure sums, and streamers who earn extra pocket money through their streams. It depends on all the factors together. How many viewers a streamer has regularly, whether he has many subscribers who pay money for it monthly, whether he sells merchandise, etc,. With more viewers, more money is earned in advertising and if something else is bought through the affiliate links, then the streamer also earns through these.
So, with a large community, you have a good opportunity to earn a lot of money.

Defining an exact sum will be difficult

Do you already stream on Twitch but lack the necessary online marketing strategy? Then feel free to get in touch with the social media experts at eBakery. Feel free to make an appointment directly.

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