Recover deleted Instagram posts

"Recently deleted" function on Instagram

The new “Recently Deleted” feature now makes it possible for you to recover deleted Stories and posts on Instagram. In this Instagram tutorial, we’ll show you how you can use this new feature to protect yourself from hacker deletion attacks.

Recover deleted Instagram posts - This is now possible

For a long time, many users have wanted Instagram to have a feature that allows them to restore content that has been deleted. This feature has been available for a few weeks now, and with its introduction, there is an additional protection feature. This should make it impossible for hackers to break into your account and delete shared posts. In fact, in most cases where Instagram accounts were hacked, shared content was deleted. Users then found it very difficult or impossible to get the deleted content back, as there was no way for the user to restore it except through support. Moreover, it was very easy for the hacker to delete the content. Now you have to prove that you are the rightful owner of the account.

From now on you can find deleted content in the "Recently deleted" folder.

Also, it happens that sometimes you delete a post too hastily. Especially with Instagram Stories, this happens very often. This can have various reasons such as a dispute with the person in the post or because you no longer like the post. Sometimes it just happens by accident or you delete older posts and regret it only a little later. With the new feature, these contributions can now be retrieved. All posts, i.e. photos, reels, IGTV videos and stories that are deleted will be removed from your account and moved to the “Recently deleted” folder.

Recover deleted Instagram posts - This is how long the content is kept

Deleted stories that are not in the archive are saved in this folder 24h. All other contributions are kept in it for 30 days. After the expiration of 30 days, they will be permanently deleted. During the 30 days you can access the deleted content at any time. You can access the folder by going to your settings, tapping Account, and then tapping “Recently deleted”. Posts can now be permanently deleted or restored from this folder. This new feature makes content management easier and can be the salvation of a photo or video in some situations.

If you have any questions, please contact eBakery

However, if you still lack the right strategy or the know-how how to make videos and integrate them well into Instagram, feel free to contact the experts at eBakery. We will always help you as a social media agency.

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