Facebook advertising campaigns that always work

In this video, Mario Reinwarth explains 3 Facebook ad campaigns that always work. It’s about how you can use the Facebook Pixel, do Facebook retargeting and for which group of customers Facebook retargeting makes sense at all.

Facebook Retargeting Campaigns

  • Shopping cart abandoners
  • Normal retargeting
  • Customers Retargeting

Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are as simple or complex as you want them to be. Facebook’s tools let you create ad campaigns and track the performance of your ads in easy-to-understand reports. More than two billion people use Facebook every month. So no matter which target group you want to reach – you’ll find them on Facebook. As a social media agency, we are happy to support you with your Facebook advertising campaigns.

Addendum from the video; The population of Lichtenstein is about 40,00 people.


You use Facebook and want to start a campaign with which you will surely succeed? Especially when you’re just starting out and don’t know your way around, there are certain campaigns that always work. Because there are campaigns that are designed to acquire completely new customers. But also campaigns that give prospects the final push to turn into customers. Thus, it always depends on what your exact goals are. All of this also affects the topic of retargeting. Retargeting refers to an online marketing method by which visitors who have already visited a website once are addressed again and “brought back” through targeted advertising. For example, if a customer looks at a sports shoe on Amazon, matching ads are also displayed on other channels.

Different target groups in retargeting

For you as an online merchant, it is worthwhile to bring back visitors to your website using the retargeting method. Especially for products in the high-priced segment, it makes sense to run a retargeting Facebook campaign. This way, if the customer didn’t complete their customer journey the first time, you can bring them back to your store. So that he can complete his purchase after a few days of consideration. A second target group for retargeting is shopping cart abandoners. That is, customers who have already added a product to the shopping cart, but have not completed the final step of the purchase. Depending on the legal situation in your online store, you can also use retargeting to run a campaign for customers who have already bought something. For example, offer them 10% discount on their next purchase.

Avoid mistakes on Facebook

So it is possible to run campaigns by target group. An additional way to get your products to sell well is to run a campaign by the day. And it works like this: All customers who have already purchased something are shown certain content on certain days. For example, you show testimonial one on day 1 to 3. From day 3 to 7 you show the second testimonial and after that you offer an additional coupon code. Besides all this campaigning, however, it is also important to avoid certain mistakes on Facebook. Facebook offers you the option to promote a post and start an advertising campaign. This is Facebook’s way of trying to sell you its ads. However, a Facebook ad campaign is only designed for interaction, not sales. This is mainly due to the fact that Facebook does not play out this campaign according to suitable target group and it ends up reaching users who are not interested in the product at all.

Launch first campaign with little budget

Therefore, you should never run a first campaign through this button, but through the Ads Manager. Also with the language setting and the place of residence, you should make sure to first select people who live in Germany and speak German. So you should always set “lives in Germany” for the person’s place of residence in the Ads Manager. A little insider tip: You can also enter Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein to expand your reach. So you can start your first campaign. For the structure, you can include the 3 carrying elements, i.e. customer retargeting, normal retargeting and retargeting for shopping cart abandoners. With this structure, you can start with a small budget and see results quickly.

Facebook Pixel

The Facebook Pixel helps you understand how well your ad campaigns are being received. So it’s an analytics tool that lets you measure the effectiveness of your advertising. And it does so by analyzing actions that users take on your website. If you want to successfully advertise on Facebook, it is a necessary tool. Because without it, you’ll never be able to understand if your current advertising campaign is working and if it’s worth continuing to pursue this strategy. Many online retailers are afraid of violating the GDPR with the Facebook Pixel. But now there are many technical solutions that work well with any store software, so you do not have to worry about the issue. Facebook advertising is measurable. This aspect is important because it lets you know exactly when and where it’s worth investing more money. Once you’ve figured that out, you’ll see success with your Facebook ads

Launch successful Facebook campaign

Want to launch successful Facebook campaigns? We can help you find the exact audience you want to reach. Together we can develop a strategy to increase your sales and generate more revenue.

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