Faceboook Horizon Workrooms

Collaborate virtually in the home office

The new“Facebook Horizon Workrooms” feature makes it possible to simulate a conference room using VR glasses. Up to 50 people can thus participate in a conference. This, of course, plays into companies’ hands. That’s why we took a closer look at Horizon Workrooms for you.

Faceboook Horizon Workrooms - The Requirements

Facebook is working on a new way to improve online business. Through Corona, many companies were forced to send their employees to the home office and hold meetings via video chat. Other companies have been working on the principle for a long time in order to save costs and work more efficiently. This way of working should soon be possible in a different way. In fact, Facebook has developed a virtual meeting. The beta version is called Horizon Workrooms and can only be used with the Oculus Quest 2 VR goggles. To use it, you need to have an account and download and install the Horizon Workrooms program on a Mac or Windows computer.

What the software does

The software creates a virtual round table at which up to 16 participants sit with an avatar and can thus exchange information about projects and plans. Interactions take place via gestures and facial expressions of the avatars, speech and a chat. It is also possible to share your monitor to discuss or present files. This is done by opening a whiteboard in the virtual space where everyone can participate. If there are participants who do not have VR glasses, they can be added via video chat, which is then displayed as a video screen in the virtual room, just like in a real conference. This way, a meeting can even take place with up to 50 people.

Faceboook Horizon Workrooms - These are the goals

Facebook wants to use it to improve teamwork and create more ways to connect people, no matter how far apart they actually are. In doing so, all conversations and content shared in the Workrooms should remain private and not be used for personalized advertising purposes. Facebook itself has been using Horizon Workrooms for half a year. Unfortunately, there are still a few problems at the moment, but Facebook wants to solve them in the future. During a test run, avatars repeatedly froze and participants complained of nausea after the meeting.

You still lack the right social media strategy?

If you should also use Facebook for your marketing instead of just for communication, we as a social media agency are happy to help you. Make an appointment directly to have your individual marketing strategy developed.

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