Get Clubhouse App Invitation

How do I get a Clubhouse invitation ?

This is how you get your invitation to the Clubhouse hype app!
For one thing, the app can only be used by iPhone users so far and is also not freely accessible. Learn how to get your invitation to the Clubhouse social media audio app in this video.

Get Clubhouse App Invitation

In the first Clubhouse episode we already explained to you what this app is all about. In this episode we want to explain how you can use the Clubhouse drop-in audio chat app in the first place, because simply downloading and registering is unfortunately not enough in this case.

How to get an invitation for the Social Media Hype App

First of all, unfortunately, this app is currently only usable for iOs. Unfortunately, Android users will have to wait a bit longer. You can simply download the app from the App Store for free and register in advance, i.e. enter your mobile number, enter your name and set a username. A confirmation code will then be sent to you, which you then enter at Clubhouse and are thus pre-registered. However, in order to ultimately use the app, a member must invite you to do so. This preserves a certain exclusivity, which we’ll get to in one of the next videos, why why why is important and a pretty good marketing move.

Invitation received through "invites" from members

So from the beginning, without having to do anything for it, you have two Invite vouchers with which you can invite two people. If it is someone from your contact list, you just have to find them and click on “invite”.
The person will then be sent an SMS, which he or she can then use to successfully log in to Clubhouse. You should, however, be careful when choosing who to invite, as you will be vouching for that person. Your name will be permanently displayed in their profile. So if the person doesn’t behave the way you would want them to, it can ultimately reflect on you.

The social media agency eBakery will be happy to help you

This is how you enter the exclusive circle of Clubhouse users. In the future, according to the developers, the app will also be available on Android and without an invitation. However, it is still unclear when this will be the case. If we’ve piqued your interest and you’d like to take a look at the app, we recommend our Insight Video.

If you have further concerns in and around the social media area, make an appointment directly with our experts.

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