What is Clubhouse ?

The new social media hype app under the microscope

What is Clubhouse ? – We will get to the bottom of this question.
What makes this drop-in audio chat app so special? In this screencast tutorial, we’ll look at these questions, around Clubhouse, and tell you how you can use the hype app for your business.

The social media app Clubhouse in the hype

No topic is currently as hyped as the new audio-only social media app Clubhouse. You haven’t heard anything about it yet?
That’s not a big deal, because we’re going to explain what the app is all about in a multi-part video series.
We’re going to take a look at it, give you exclusive insights, show you how you can use this app at all, because currently Clubhouse is not accessible to everyone, and in the end look at where the hype comes from, why the user numbers are currently skyrocketing and whether you can also use this app for your business.

But first to the question what is Clubhouse?

What is Clubhouse ?

Clubhouse, as mentioned, is a relatively new social media app that allows for so-called drop-in audio chats. So that means this app ties in with the ever-growing enthusiasm for the podcast medium and relies entirely and exclusively on audio. You can neither write messages, nor make video calls, nor post or send pictures, but only participate actively or passively in conversations.
So, in striking terms, this app is about public conference calls.

What is Clubhouse and how can I use the chat rooms?

These conversations take place in topic-specific chat rooms. This means that an unlimited number of people can listen to a lecture or a discussion and, if necessary, register by means of a button provided for this purpose, in order to be activated by the chat room host and to participate in the discussion or to ask questions. This opens up completely new possibilities for you as a listener, but also for the content creator, to provide exclusive insights to his community and to individually create, for example, a new content. to respond to questions. This is precisely the reason why the medium Podcast has gone through the roof in the last few years, because stars who were previously only seen on television or YouTube The people who were familiar with the company suddenly provided very private insights and told in detail how they got there, where they currently are, or how things are behind the scenes.

How can I use Clubhouse for my business?

For you retailers, this could mean making your business more approachable, to not just be some producer of products, but to spread the philosophy of your business in a whole new way.
What also sets Clubhouse apart from social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and the like is the fact that everything is live. So nothing is recorded or can be consumed on-demand, just in the moment.

We are happy to support you as a social media agency

That’s it for now as a rough insight into what is probably the most hyped app at the moment. In the next video, we’ll take a look at how you become a member of this exclusive clubhouse in the first place. Because unlike other social media platforms, you can’t just register and get started.
For any further questions, please feel free to contact our social media experts and make an appointment directly.

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