Holistic landing page

“Holistic” means “holistic” and is more familiar from alternative medicine, where the goal is to find an understanding of the disease and its cause, rather than symptom relief. This is followed by holistic treatment, which is not limited to taking specific medications. Often this is accompanied by a change of life in order not to bring up again the problem that has occurred.

This is exactly the kind of understanding that a holistic landing page pursues. Instead of focusing on just one topic, a holistic landing page covers an entire topic area. Usually, such landing pages are very extensive and well structured, because they are small reference books.

Google ranking of holistic landing pages

Since 2018, Google is quite good at recognizing what the searcher’s intention actually is. If you search for “buy built-in stove”, Google will also search some terms around it and show pages that deal with different types of built-in stoves, their maintenance and also built-in kitchens.

In the best case, all these topics are dealt with on one landing page – holistically. So the author not only thinks about all the things you need to consider when buying a built-in stove, but also provides solutions, if possible, from the new kitchen to the craftsman – or at least his mediation.

If such a page is read often and to the end and there is even a call-to-action at the end, such as “Request advice now”, which is clicked often, Google notices this and displays the page further ahead. This will show it to more people who will read and interact again, etc.

Only holistic landing pages?

There are also topics where a holistic landing page doesn’t make sense. If you want to inform about very specific topics, you can well make it a holistic site. That doesn’t have to mean you have to write several thousand words right away. Because: in order to rank well, someone has to read them. A shorter page that deals with a particular topic can also rank well. Artificially inflating them with filler material is no longer in keeping with the times. Well-researched content counts more.

If you are dealing with a complex topic, the page should of course be correspondingly long. With holistic landing pages on complex topics, you run the risk of getting bogged down. This can also make the page difficult to read. Better make a plan beforehand on what topics you want to cover. Sometimes it also makes sense to divide a topic into several landing pages. The exciting question you then have to ask yourself is: where do I make the cut? Which topics do I cover on page 1, which on page 2?

In general, you should go by your target audience. Are you writing for people who have a lot of time on their hands? Then the pages may be longer. However, if the topics are more for stressed people such as self-employed people or managers, the texts should be shorter. You may also want to include short videos in the text.

Holistic landing pages from eBakery

Among other things, our team consists of very good SEO copywriters who will be happy to look at your texts and improve them accordingly. We do keyword and target group research to create the perfect texts for your website. Your target audience will love your new copy and help you rank better as a result.

We will be happy to discuss further details with you in a non-binding consultation. Book it right now at www.ebakery.de/kontakt/

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