How to go viral on TikTok

We analyze practical examples

This video is about viral TikTok videos – what makes them different? How can this be used for online retail? But what are the downsides? You can find out all this in the first episode “They Not Like Us”. How to go viral on TikTok!

How to go viral as an online retailer on TikTok

In today’s fast-paced digital world, it is more important than ever for online retailers to rely on up-and-coming platforms such as TikTok. TikTok offers a unique opportunity to attract the attention of your target group with creative and viral content. In this blog post, you will find out how you can get started as an online retailer on TikTok and showcase your products effectively.

Practical example "Champions League speedster"

To go viral on TikTok, you have to react with lightning speed and pick up on trends before they’re gone. The platform’s algorithm rewards creators who are the first to provide relevant content on current events. A good example is the “Champions League speedster”, which recently caused a stir. Within a very short time, TikTok videos emerged explaining why the streaker had run onto the pitch – namely because he had been paid to do so by a Russian streamer called Mellstroy. Such real-time content has enormous viral potential.
In addition, it is important to use the specific features of TikTok to maximize the visibility of your content. Creative effects, filters and music clips, which are currently trending, can increase the attractiveness and shareability of your videos. Hashtags, used in a targeted and strategic way, help to make your posts accessible to a wider audience.

How to go viral on TikTok - interaction is very important

Another decisive factor is the interaction with your community. Replying to comments, participating in challenges and responding to other popular videos through duets or reaction videos will encourage engagement and increase the likelihood of your content being discovered and shared by other users. Storytelling also plays a major role on TikTok. Short, captivating stories that immediately grab the audience’s attention are particularly effective. You should use the first few seconds of your video to arouse interest and motivate viewers to stay tuned. Personal anecdotes, humorous stories or surprising twists can help your video go viral.

Establish your brand through consistency

Last but not least, consistency is a key to success on TikTok. Regularly posting new content keeps your audience engaged and signals to the algorithm that you are an active and committed creator. This increases the chance that your videos will appear more frequently in users’ feeds.
To ensure a constant presence on the platform, it is helpful to create a content plan. Such a plan allows you to plan and produce content in advance so that you can post regularly and at the optimal times. Analyze the performance of your previous videos to find out what type of content resonates best with your audience and when your followers are most active.
Another aspect of consistency is maintaining a clear and recognizable brand identity. Use recurring themes, visual styles and formats to create recognition value. This helps your followers to build a connection with your brand and increases the likelihood that they will share and comment on your videos.

Alternatives to the usual product videos

As an online retailer, you can use this principle to your advantage by taking unconventional paths to bring your products into focus. Instead of creating the usual product and image videos, you could, for example, get your employees on camera and have them present your product range. Or take the mickey out of yourself and explain your products in a humorous, unexpected way. The key is to strike a chord with your target group by standing out from the crowd.
In addition, you could create interactive and personalized content that builds a stronger bond with your customers. Live streams in which you answer questions and demonstrate products, or special events such as virtual tours of your warehouse, offer unique insights and create proximity. Collaborations with influencers or well-known personalities who speak authentically about your products can also appeal to your audience in new ways and create trust.

This is how you go viral on TikTok - practical example "Glückspilz Burger"

A successful example of viral TikTok content in practice is the Glückspilz Burgerladen channel. Instead of simply showing perfectly staged burger shots, the company has its employees recite the menu in a bored tone of voice. The unexpected and entertaining nature of this approach is very well received by users.
The mineral water company Lauretana also enjoyed great success with a TikTok video. The clip did not advertise the product itself, but was about conspiracy theories surrounding the quality of tap water compared to bottled water. Although there was no direct reference to the product, the video was viewed millions of times and influenced the purchasing decisions of many consumers – a prime example of how viral content does not always have to be 100% product-related. Sometimes it’s enough to just touch on your main topic and then pick up on a current trend. This gives you as an entrepreneur the opportunity to reach a much larger audience.

Influencer vs. corporate influencer

Caution is advised when working with influencers. Many influencers have lost their credibility as they obviously only express their opinions in return for payment. Instead, so-called “corporate influencers” – employees who promote their company – can be a more sensible alternative. They provide a more authentic insight into everyday working life and corporate culture. That’s why it would be a sensible alternative to let your employees talk about their day-to-day work or, if necessary, to show them. This is generally cheaper, more authentic, quicker to implement and also provides a good opportunity to package storytelling well.
Corporate influencers also help to strengthen brand loyalty and build a trustworthy image. Employees who share their personal experiences and stories come across as credible and approachable, which has a positive effect on customers. This type of communication not only promotes customer loyalty, but also strengthens the internal team spirit, as employees are actively involved in corporate communication.

How to go viral on TikTok - Your own employees offer these benefits

Another advantage of using corporate influencers is the variety of perspectives they can offer. Different departments and positions can share their individual perspectives and experiences, which provides a more comprehensive picture of the company. This enables customers to better identify with the brand and understand its values and culture, and also offers the opportunity to react flexibly and quickly to current trends and events. Employees can report on news, successes and special events in real time, which increases the topicality and relevance of the content. The direct involvement of employees in content creation creates a dynamic and lively corporate image that stands out from standardized and often artificial-looking influencer posts.

Social media agency eBakery

To be successful on TikTok, you have to be creative and bold in breaking new ground as an online retailer. Instead of orienting yourself to industry standards, you should try out unconventional ideas that strike a chord with your target group. Be fast, be surprising and be authentic – then you have a good chance of landing viral hits and showcasing your products effectively.
If you need help with this, we at eBakery are also happy to help you as a social media agency. You can make an appointment directly here.

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