Contact Influencer

How to contact successfully

Successfully contact influencers so that you may even end up with a free collaboration. In this influencer marketing tutorial, we’ll show you how to successfully contact influencers as an entrepreneur.

Contacting Influencers - Here's how you go about it

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool to promote a brand and should not be underestimated. For successful influencer marketing, the right influencers must of course be chosen. If you haven’t done this step yet, be sure to check out our video on how to do it. If you already have a list of influencers you’d like to work with, the question now is how to get in touch. We will now go through this process together.

Step #1: Do not beg under any circumstances

First, you should write a really good text by presenting your proposal. In doing so, most make the mistake of simply asking influencers if they could showcase their product. Influencers get “begging” messages like this in heaps. But a really good request is to show how your collaboration would help the influencer. Decide what action you expect from the influencer and state it clearly in your text. Would you like a story that features the product with voice? Then write your expectation as precisely as possible so as not to be disappointed. In many cases, the storyline is not clearly defined, which means that influencers, for example, only film about the product once with background music and do not mention the benefits at all. So, think carefully about what you expect and don’t think that specific ideas seem too determinative or unfriendly, because by being specific you actually automatically make the influencer’s job easier. It’s always less work if you know exactly what to do or even what to say than if you have to come up with a concept yourself first.

Find and contact the right influencer

After that, you should mention the benefits that the influencer will get from it. Please don’t just write something like “you’ll get more traffic as a result”. Put yourself in the influencer’s shoes and think about what would really be beneficial. If you are ready to pay a price, write it directly in the text or ask for the price models. Of course, you can also offer your products in return. To do this, however, you must credibly present why the influencer needs exactly this product. A pregnant influencer, for example, is more likely to enter into a cooperation in return for a baby carriage than a cooperation in which she receives a poster in return. There are products that are beautiful, but not so necessary that an influencer would absolutely want them. If you yourself don’t believe that the influencer you want to work with absolutely needs your product, then it will be difficult for you to make a credible case for it. But if you have a product that totally fits your influencer, it can develop into an unpaid collaboration even with very influential influencers just in return for the products. To be really successful, a cooperation request should therefore be less of a mere question and more of a convincing advertisement.

Sets a deadline and communicates clearly and concisely

Lastly, be sure to set a deadline. Influencers get a lot of collaborations that they have to work off. A cooperation, for which there is only a product instead of money in return, for example, is quickly forgotten and will also be forgotten by you. Therefore, set a date by which the presentation must be made or ask how much capacity there is and by when they could present it. If the influencers give you a date, make it really firm. Once you have written a text on all these points, make sure you mention the influencer’s name in the salutation. Introduce yourself briefly as a person and then write a sentence that shows that you have engaged with the influencer. For example, if your product is a healthy cereal, then look at the influencer’s content and pick it up again by writing. “We loved what you mentioned recently in your story about nutrition and how personable you seem.” Write personally and not too formally to build a genuine relationship. Don’t just show yourself as a company, but as a real person behind it. After that, list the points above and end the message by saying that you are waiting for feedback and write your personal name at the end. Also, try to make your message as short as possible so that it is read to the end.

Contact Influencer - Also follows the Infleucner's content on social media channels.

Once you have a complete message, you should connect with influencers on social media channels. Follow them, keep leaving comments and responding to stories or the like. Only then is it time to send your message. Professional inquiries are usually sent by mail. Influencers often have an email for collaborations in their profile description, or you can find the email address via a contact button. Sometimes it takes a while for an answer to come back and sometimes there is no answer at all. In this case, you can use the second way and get in touch directly via the social media messaging function. If there is no reply after 2 weeks, your message has been lost and you can try a second mail.

Professionalism is the key

When you get a response, always remain professional and respectful. Don’t suddenly start writing in colloquial language, even if it’s to build a relationship. This relationship should remain professional. Thank the influencer for every action, even if the presentation disappointed you. Your professional reputation is more important than insisting on your right and starting a fight.

Influencer marketing and general social media marketing with eBakery

We hope this article has helped you understand how to contact influencers and what is better to leave alone. If you want to further optimize your Instagram account in addition to influencer marketing but are lacking Instagram strategy, feel free to contact eBakery’s social media experts. Please feel free to make an appointment directly.

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