Instagram Caption

5 advantages that a good caption brings you

Is the Instagram caption still that important in 2021? Minor spoiler: Yes! Because it not only adds more quality to your content, but also extends the watchtime and expresses your personality. You can see what other benefits you can get in our Instagram tutorial.

Instagram Caption - What is it?

Instagram is opened several times a day by every user. Images are shared in the app, but videos are also being shared more and more frequently. The content shows elements from the daily life of the user informed and inspired. For this, most users write an Instagram caption. We’ll show you why a good caption is still important with the following points.

This is why a good Instagram caption is important

The quality: With so much content on Instagram, your own post has to stand out so that other users pause to scroll, like or comment. A good caption underlines the quality and also the effort that was put into the post. Quality is an important keyword for success on Instagram in 2021. Interaction: A good caption encourages followers to interact. What you write under your post should not only add value, but also make users react to it. By asking questions and providing information, users are encouraged to comment on a post. This not only gives a post more engagement, but also more value. These two components ensure that you will be recommended by the algorithm. Especially for users who don’t know your content yet, the caption is often crucial to get to know you. In addition, it is often decisive in building a community, because a community is built primarily through communication.

Caption = Watchtime = better rating from algorithm

Watchtime: Only the first 150 characters are displayed under a post. That’s why you should be convincing right from the start. The longer a user stays on your post while scrolling, looks at it and reads the caption, the more positively this is evaluated by the algorithm. Watchtime is therefore a factor that you can influence through the caption. Personality: Not only your content itself, but also your caption says a lot about you. Do you write professionally or do you beat around the bush? What’s on your mind? Do you give tips and tricks or do you tell about your private life? The Instagram caption is crucial to building your brand. It is important that you consider how you want to appear on the platform.

Place advertisement in Instagram caption

Advertising and newsletters: In addition to the other points, the caption is a good way to advertise other platforms, services or products. Here you can inform about discounts or share news. Whether it’s your own advertising or for a company, with a little skill you can additionally use the caption to inform your followers or draw their attention to certain things.

The eBakery conclusion

Our conclusion is: A caption should not be used to get more likes. Those days are over on Instagram. Better give your followers something to take with them. Inform them, advise them or tell them something about yourself. Observe your insights and see which topics your target group found particularly interesting. You can also find tips for a good caption in our video. If you are completely lacking the right Instagram strategy, we will be happy to help you as a social media agency.

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