Plenty 2 DATEV interface in multichannel business

You want to start or drive your multichannel business? But are you still looking for the right interface? Maybe Johannes Seidel from Jera GmbH will convince you. This video is about the Plenty 2 DATEV interface with regard to the marketplaces.

Why plentymarkets?

As an online retailer, you have the freedom to choose from a variety of good ERP systems these days. If you decide to use plentymarkets, you decide to automate all your processes. Because plentymarkets connects your business processes, is freely expandable and scales with you. Another advantage is the really large number of marketplaces that you can connect with plentymarkets. From the very classic marketplaces like Amazon or eBay to international ones like Cdisount and allegro. Once you’ve found the right ERP system, there’s one more issue you should address well to guarantee long-term success. Namely, financial accounting.

Plenty 2 DATEV interface

Jera GmbH can help you with this. Because the company develops DATEV FIBU interfaces to create a link between eCommerce and accounting. And an interface has also been developed for plentymarkets, which makes the entire financial accounting process easier for you. The Plenty 2 DATEV interface offers you several advantages, such as:

  • Very good marketplace connections
  • All revenues are read out via REST API
  • Allocation of the payment is observed

Thus, all tax revenues are transferred to the accounting department. The special feature of plentymarkets is that each marketplace can be provided with its own payment method. For example, if you receive a booking via the marketplace, you can also store the payment method real. So that the Plenty 2 DATEV interface can capture what all has been paid with real and can be posted to any customer.

Sales can be evaluated individually

Afterwards, thanks to this method, it is possible to precisely evaluate the customer’s sales. So Jera posts your sales by payment type to collective debit so that payments are cleared by marketplace. It also helps your tax advisor in retrospect when reconciling payment allocations. This means that if you have all payments for a customer that relate to a particular marketplace and you want to do a payment reconciliation, you can assign the payments to the collective debitor. This is how fees and money transit are posted. If there is anything left over, it is transparent for your tax advisor to track. Thus, the control of the payouts is carried out by regularly checking the balances and also the returns.

Uniform database

To export your data without any problems, Plenty 2 DATEV has an additional tool for a unified database. This enables:

  • All documents are read out in one step
  • Revenue account assignment also for PanEU
  • Uniform DATEV format for batch processing

It is important that you have a collected export from your plentymarkets system in which all revenues are available. These are then distributed to the various marketplaces. Your tax requirements are done and in the accounting statistics you can see where your sales have gone. So if you pursue a multichannel strategy with plentymarkets, you absolutely need a tax infrastructure that can handle everything in a stable manner. Try out the Plenty 2 DATEV interface – Jera GmbH offers support during setup and you will not incur any transaction-based billing.

Successfully use Plenty 2 DATEV interface

Are you interested in plentymarkets and the Plenty 2 DATEV interface? Please contact us for further information without obligation. Our experts will sit down with you and discuss a successful implementation of your request.

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