DataWow Dashboard

The most important KPI's of your online store at a glance [Werbung]

Always keep an eye on your most important KPI’s of the online store with the DataWow Dashboard. Which key figures are processed and illustrated there, which dimensions can be filtered and what the characteristics are all about, you can find out either in the DataWow screencast or below in our blog article. 

DataWow cloud-based analytics tool dashboard

In the previous blog, we had already drawn your attention to the online store analysis tool DataWow – which is more or less the X-ray glasses for your store or marketing campaign. To give you a rough insight, we have now gone into the cloud-based software and first of all look at the dashboard with our KPI’s, the so-called Key Performance Indicators. What becomes clear besides the basic key figures is that DataWow works with a visualization concept. That means blue is good, red is bad, to explain it quite strikingly.

Interplay of characteristics, key figures and dimensions

With DataWow, there is always an interaction of characteristics, key figures and dimensions. The most important dimensions include, for example. the order details, i.e. which platform or store it is. In addition, then bspw. The following table shows how the items that were sold in 2018 have developed in November 2020. This means that you have a lot of possibilities to display specific analysis data. We can also go into more detail and look specifically at product sales by double-clicking on them. Here we get a breakdown of our revenue from each sales platform. What becomes directly clear through the visualization concept is that in our case the store runs best. If we want to take a closer look at the reasons for this, we can, for example. go deeper into it and go to
Then I see the complete sales listing by each category. Thus, you can see at a glance that, for example. the champagne glasses run very well, but the plates and whiskey glasses less so.

Variant 2 to filter in the DataWow Dashboard

This was an approach to get more detailed information about the respective sales platforms. Another would be to view reports using the report icon in the upper right corner. Here you can view the sales trend of the store via a diagram, for example. display over the course of the year.
This illustrates a comparison of November 2020 under current and November 2019 under prior year values. This means we are significantly behind this month. If this view is still not enough for you, you can filter the individual values according to all possible characteristics. Thus one can bpsw. If you look at the individual countries, you will see that the largest deviation in our case is in Germany. However, you can also let the system – the AI – search for you. This looks for the values with the greatest influence in all features. To do this, all you need to do is double-click on the numerical value and you will now see, in our case, that the biggest drop occurred in the B2B area. In the case of companies, it is mainly in Germany. If you then go even deeper, you can break it down by zip code and ultimately see that it is mainly the regular customers where most of the losses compared to the previous year are to be found.

Browse the DataWow Dashboard

A third way to get an overview is browsing. The whole is illustrated in a star structure that resembles a mind map and shows selected features. You simply drag and drop the desired deviation and the system calculates the influence of the deviation for all nodes and subnodes. That is, all node ends where I am above the previous year are colored blue, all where I have losses are marked red.

So I can see very quickly where there are problems to be able to react quickly.

Details view of the B2B area

Finally, we go into the companies once again by double-clicking and thereby filter our view exclusively for the B2B area. In our example, for example, you can see Especially the large shopping carts, i.e. everything over 100€, causes problems in this area.

That should be it for now, with which we have shown you three approaches how you can take a detailed look at different platforms, for different time periods, for different product groups, in order to be able to draw the necessary conclusions and consequences at the end and to further increase your sales power.

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