The perfect Instagram profile

5 tips for an appealing Instagram profile

Your Instagram profile incl. dem feed should look appealing rather than bulging. The motto here should be “quality before quantity”. Learn how to achieve that and create an appealing, perfect Instagram profile here.

The perfect Instagram profile - This is important

A consistent Instagram profile is not a must, but it looks nicer and more professional to the viewer. A visually appealing profile is crucial on Instagram because it not only inspires, but also makes other users more likely to follow you. You can get an appealing effect through your feed by following these tips.

The quality of your content is crucial

In the feed, you should only post photos that are good quality and that you are 100% confident about. In addition, the following applies: quality before quantity. Poorly exposed images, snapshots or pixelated images do not belong in the Instagram feed. However, you do not need to delete these images because of that. If you still want to post them, you can use these images for your story. If you can’t manage to post that much in a top quality, then better post less, but high quality.

Same editing style with recurring colors for your feed

For a beautiful feed, it’s important that you use consistent editing for your images. Therefore, don’t keep experimenting with new presets or filters, but use similar or always the same filters. Bloggers usually use the same filter for every photo. This creates a harmonious appearance and gives your feed a unified look. To create a consistent look, you should use certain colors that are repeated over and over again. These will become your trademark.

Variety and the right story highlight cover for the perfect Instagram profile

When choosing content, make sure that you don’t post similar photos one after the other. Variety makes the feed more interesting and each photo unique. For the Story Highlights that appear above your feed, use a design that matches the editing style of your feed. This way you create a nice overall picture for the viewer.

If you have problems with the implementation, we at eBakery are happy to help you as a social media agency.

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