Remove Instagram Ghost Followers

How it works and why it brings you more engagement

If you have a lot of unwanted followers after several years and bad hashtags, then we have a solution for you, how you can sort out your followers. Here’s how you can remove Instagram ghost followers.

Instagram ghost followers = low engagement rate

Ghost followers ensure that your engagement rate stays low. On Instagram, however, this is of particular importance for success, because the engagement rate is responsible for how well your account is rated by the algorithm.What exactly is the engagement rate?

Why should you remove Instagram ghost followers?

Let’s say you have an Instagram account with 10,000 followers and an engagement rate of 10 percent. Then that means that out of those 10,000 followers, 1000 followers are actively liking, commenting, saving and sharing your posts. The engagement rate stands for how many of your followers really interact actively with you. The higher this number is, the better. Ghost followers can be your undoing, because a large Instagram account with a low engagement rate loses relevance with the Instagram algorithm despite the many followers.

Remove Instagram Ghost Followers - What are they anyway?

Ghost followers are very often a reason for a very low engagement rate. They are the followers who follow an account but do not interact with it.But where do ghost followers come from?
There are different possibilities why ghost followers are created. One, for example, is that someone stopped using Instagram after some time. The account still exists, even though the app may have already been uninstalled from the smartphone. Others follow too many users, so they only see the best content and can’t respond to other content.

Here is how you can recognize them

A good sign of how you can recognize ghost followers is that they often don’t have a profile picture and only a very small number of people follow them. Another sign is that the last post on your profile was several years ago. You should remove accounts of this type. Another sign of a ghost follower are bot accounts. These often have few followers, but follow hundreds of accounts. Such an account will not interact with you. Ghost followers can also be spam accounts. They will follow you and then send a DM to all accounts they have followed. You should also remove these.

Have ghost followers deleted?

There are apps for deleting ghost followers, but we strongly advise against them, as they require you to enter your password, which is then often used to take over someone else’s account. Thus, users often believe that they have been hacked, when in fact they have entered their password in exactly such apps. It is better not to take this risk. Instead, it makes more sense to manually go through your followers over and over again. This is quite tedious work, but it will increase your visibility.If there are any other questions or you want to have your social media channels optimized, feel free to contact us. We at eBakery are happy to help you as a social media agency.

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