TikTok Notes

Instagram's new rival?

TikTok Notes could become the newest Instagram rival, as it will be a photo platform. But you can find out what the platform could look like, what strategy you should use and why this should be relevant for you in the latest TikTok tutorial.

What is TikTok Notes?

To what extent is TikTok now copying Instagram?
We are talking about the not yet released TikTok Notes format. Apparently, this will be a photo platform. Photos have already been well received on TikTok itself. The carousel posts, i.e. several images within a post that could be viewed with a slide to the right and left and were accompanied by music, got a lot of reach. But it looks like these will no longer compete with classic TikTok videos in the future. Screenshots online suggest that photo posts will soon be taking place on a new platform.

TikTok Notes - All information available so far

This is also supported by the domain: photos.tiktok.com. You can try it out for yourself. At the moment, you can at least see the logo and a button to open the app. This would therefore also suggest that it is a completely new app instead of just a section within TikTok. Presumably your current photos will then be transferred to this app and remain there. This means that it would make perfect sense to make use of the photo feature within TikTok, which will be introduced in 2022. But why should that be important at all?

Why you should rely on TikTok Notes

Every new release is a new opportunity to grow faster organically if you are the first. This means that it should be in your interest to be on the platform as soon as possible.
But how do you get your videos transcribed into photo formats? I will now show you an example of this. Ranking videos are best suited for this – i.e. the top 5 so and so or 5 tips on how to do this and that. That’s why we’re using our WhatsApp video with the 10 latest features. First download your YouTube video, TikTok or Instagram reel. As you know, I use the 4K Video Downloader because it converts the video directly into an audio file. Then sign up for our free AI tools. You can see how it all works here.

Convert your videos into photos with AI tools

Now use the AI speech to text tool to create a script of your video. Copy this script and go into the AI chat tool. Scroll down to the bottom and select the AI Chat Bot. You now have to see which prompt works best for you. The English prompt: “Break it down into Steps” worked best for us. The AI then divides the text into the respective features. Now you can, for example Use Canva to choose one of the many templates here and simply copy and paste your text that our AI tool has given you.

AI agency eBakery

This would allow you to quickly and easily convert your existing video into a suitable format for the new photo platform and thus save time with content recycling. If you can think of any other formats, especially those that would be suitable for eCommerce, please let the community know and post them in the comments. Otherwise, we are also happy to help you as an AI agency or TikTok agency. Make an appointment for this here.

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