Meanwhile belongs Instagram among the most important social media channels. But the app is relevant not only for private individuals, stars and starlets, but increasingly for companies. Worldwide, more than 500 Millions of people Instagram every day. Such a range offers enormous potential for companies, but is not the main argument for a presence on Instagram. Regardless of industry and Alignment can use Instagram as a very effective Branding tool to be used. But how exactly can Businesses benefit from Instagram?

Create the presence

Without a social media expert on your team, the first thing you should do is create a private account and learn about the features. It’s also worth doing a little research and seeing how competitors and rivals design their accounts to get some inspiration for your own strategy.

So after you have dealt with the principle of operation and the presences of other companies you can develop your own Instagram strategy. develop Here, first of all, concrete goals should be set which are, of course, linked to the company’s objectives. are. These may include, for example, the following goals:

  • Sales and Sales increase
  • Increase the Brand awareness
  • Increase the Product and brand hashtag mentions
  • Increase of the Website traffic

On the basis of the respective The goals set can then be used to develop a corporate mission statement for the company. Develop the Instagram presence. This is important to Instagram not treat it like any other social media channel. Each channel has its own weaknesses and merits, on Instagram the strength lies above all in visualization.

Develop content strategy

With the mission statement for the Instagram presence in mind, you can then turn to the development of a content strategy. These include among other things, the following points:

  • How often should Posts are posted? In principle, one should on Instagram already post regularly, but still pay attention to it not to “flood” the followers with postings. Many well-known brands post 1 to 3 posts per day, from this you can orient themselves well.
  • At what time of day or night time should posts be posted? Here is especially the relevant target group decisive for the exact time of the post. In this context, it is also worthwhile to test a little and to see if certain times are more suitable than others.

When these points have been clarified, it is a matter of drawing up a so-called Content calendar, in which the regular deadlines for posts be recorded. In addition, one should also intensively deal with the selection of topics.

Getting the presence going

  • First of all it is important to follow as many other Instagram users as possible. Of course, not randomly selected users, but those who are influencers in the respective industry. Can help a search for hashtags relevant to the industry. With a little interaction, for example, a comment, a like or of participating in a discussion continue to lead to the fact that even own Instagram presence gets followers.
  • In addition, companies can also buy Instagram followers. Such an option lends itself to special situations, especially as a supplement to a social media (re)start it can make perfect sense. However, you should by no means overdo it here, as the follower purchase can attract attention and have negative effects. However, a handful of purchased followers at the beginning, could be a certain “starting shot”.
  • The focus on Instagram is primarily on the visuals. Therefore, particular attention should be paid to making the postings and the general brand presence consistent so that a clear recognition value is created. This can be achieved, for example, by always using the same filter for all postings. The more distinctive the style and the photos in general, the better for recognition. The general look should be well considered.
  • The content on which the photos focus should also be communicated precisely and is largely dependent on the target group. In many cases, it is not particularly difficult to make a decision in this regard, for example, a clothing company will focus on their respective collections, a restaurant, on the other hand, its food, the ambience or even you a look into the kitchen. But not all industries can embrace this advantage, so general lifestyle content is often distributed.

In the USA, Instagram applies among young people already as the most important social network, in Germany it is slowly approaching. So if you want the young generation does not want to lose as a target group, should an Instagram presence use for marketing purposes. Meanwhile, companies alone should therefore have a solid Instagram presence in order to be able to not to be ignored and to use this important marketing channel as a instrument available at all. In particular the next generation of consumers will be even more interested in the inform about brands and products via appropriate channels.

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