What is TikTok Now ?

BeReal imitation now also on TikTok

What is TikTok Now ? – is the question of this video. We’ll explain where TikTok’s new feature comes from, how it works, and show you how to use TikTok Now yourself. Everything about the BeReal imitation in this TikTok Now tutorial.

Changes in the social media world

The fact that functions are adapted from time to time by the competition within the social media universe is nothing new. So today’s Instagram Story feature, which was introduced in 2016, can actually be traced back to Snapchat. Or else, for example the YouTube Shorts or Instagram Reels. These are a direct response to the emerging success of TikTok. This means that users’ needs are constantly changing, which means that new concepts are always gaining ground and being gratefully accepted. In the case of TikTok, it’s the ever-shortening attention span. You just want to get your daily endorphin kick on the train and consume the funny, entertaining 15 second clips instead of watching a long YouTube video.

What is TikTok Now ? - BeReal as a role model?

However, not every innovation is accepted, as can be seen, for example, in the following examples. the IGTV format. In principle, Instagram has already backed the right horse – edgewise videos. However, the embedding was only semi-good and it was used like a YouTube format on Instagram. But why should one now watch a 5 minute contribution on edge?
In addition, some other things have hacked that were simply better on YouTube. So it came exactly one year ago, as it had to come, Instagram feed videos and IGTV videos become one. It is therefore clear that social media platforms are anything but static and are constantly reinventing themselves or adapting from the competition. This now seems to be the case with TikTok as well. But in order to understand the TikTok Now feature in more detail, you should first take a look at what BeReal actually is.

What is BeReal?

For a change, this app doesn’t come from the US, but from two French developers named Alexis Barreyat and Kevin Perreau.
The app was released in 2020, but only recently achieved success in Germany. In fact, in August 2022, it ranked #1 in the Germangen App Download Charts. Another reason to take a closer look at what BeReal is now doing differently. The way it works is quite simple. Once a day, at a time that changes daily, all users are prompted to snap a photo on your smartphone with both the front and main cameras. But the kicker is that they only have 2 minutes to do this, and they also don’t get any options within the app to edit the image. Hence the name “BeReal”.

Why BeReal is currently so well received

The whole thing is meant to be a contrast to the beauty craze on TikTok, Instagram and the like. In some cases, the user’s own appearance can be changed either by filters within the apps or by third-party apps like Facetune or FaceApp to such an extent that the person behind it is no longer recognized. Furthermore, BeReal is a counter-movement to the disproportionate consumption of social media apps. In some cases, the algorithms literally force you to spend a disproportionate amount of time on the platforms in order to generate enough visibility, which in turn can only lead to engagement, which in turn means money, especially for influencers. Accordingly, also users, e.g. Fans of the influencers stay longer on the platform, which increases the possibility of consuming more advertising, which in turn means more money for the platforms. That is, in summary, “BeReal” forms a counter design to overconsumption and misrepresentation. But how far has TikTok cribbed this?

What is TikTok Now ? - The new app explains

If you’ve been on TikTok in the last few days, you may have spotted this lightning bolt icon.
This is TikTok Now. The principle is similarly simple, since it is ultimately a copy in all respects. If you scroll down you will see that there is already content from other TikTokers. However, these are pixelated and can only be viewed once you have also posted a TikTok Now video or photo. If you have done this, a counter will run down and you will have 3 minutes to create the picture or the video (maximum 10 seconds). You can decide whether the picture from the front or main camera is your main picture, i.e. it is displayed larger, and you do not have any options to edit the picture during or afterwards. This means that the usual TikTok filters cannot be applied to it here. Once you have posted the picture or video, you can also view others’ TikTok Now posts. As a last nice feature, you will be shown a calendar where you can then look at what you have posted and when. However, the function is only available for your own posts. You can only see your friends’ posts for that one day.

What is TikTok Now ? - More features

What else have we forgotten?
You have the option to decide whether your TikTok Now content can only be viewed by friends or by everyone. For private accounts, there is also the option to make the content available only to followers. Meanwhile, there is also the possibility to comment on other TikTok Now videos, provided you both follow each other. That means you can’t leave comments on the Now videos and pictures of strangers. You can also delete your TikTok Now content at any time. And how often can you post something now? Just like BeReal, you get a notification once a day at different times, from then you can post the video or picture. So what’s the deal with the TikTok Now app?
TikTok itself comments as follows:

“TikTok Now is available in both the TikTok app and the TikTok Now app. Depending on your region, you may have access to TikTok Now within the TikTok app, the TikTok Now app, or within both apps.”

TikTok App vs. TikTok Now App

This means whether you can access TikTok Not directly in the traditional TikTok app depends on your region. For example, we had to necessarily download the TikTok Now app.
However, this is the same account that you use for TikTok. Both are then simply linked together. I think we’ve given you a good overview of what BeReal is and that the way it works is basically mirrored 1:1 in the new TikTok Now format. But we would be interested in your opinion. Do you think the format will catch on? Do you see this as a nice gimmick to the TikTok feed or will one replace the other over time?

What is TikTok Now ? - Our statement

As a small final personal statement on this for my part. I think that both will coexist. Just as BeReal won’t outrank YouTube, Instagram, TikTok or Twitter. Still, I think it does a good job of showing the ravages of time. Authenticity will regain more and more importance and fake reality will be difficult to maintain or will then gradually lose relevance. But if you disagree, let us know in the comments. On the other hand, if you need help with your social media game, contact us and we will be happy to help you as a social media agency.

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