Often the address of a web page is referred to as a link, but actually a URL is meant. Therefore, let’s first look at what the abbreviation URL actually means.

In this video we show you what exactly a URL actually is, how it is built and what the difference is to a domain:

URL is an abbreviation that comes from English and stands for Uniform Resource Locator. In German, URL means “uniform resource indicator”.

The common standard on the web

This is a standardized way of accessing content on web pages. Theoretically, websites can also be accessed by entering the IP address. However, it is much more user-friendly via today’s URL notation, which was also the intention of the URL’s inventor, Tim Berners-Lee. A URL thus ensures that your browser goes to a specific web page.

Domain = URL?

Often the term domain is also used as a synonym for the URL. However, this is also not entirely correct, since a domain is only a form of expression of a URL.

A domain is e.g.: www.ebakery.de
And the URL, on the other hand, means a complete path that looks like this: https://ebakery.de/
Since a URL consists of several parts, we will now introduce them to you in more detail. For this we take this URL as an example https://ebakery.de/news/

  • The first part is: “https://” This is the protocol prefix. This is always http or https for websites.
  • Now comes the domain: www.ebakery.de . This is the main address of the website.
  • This is followed by a port number. As a rule, this is the 80 and is not displayed. If the port number is different from 80, it is displayed in the URL. In this example, this would then look like this: www.domain.de:81/
  • Finally comes the last part in our /news example. As there are various contents and pages on ebakery.com, we come exactly to the news page of Ebakery.

We hope we could help you with this video…

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