eBakery Product Crawler

Transfer product data and prices

With the eBakery Product-Crawler you can export article data including images and prices of other stores as a CSV file and import it afterwards into your inventory management. This allows you to e.g. have prices adjusted automatically on a daily basis. You can see how this works in the video.

Disclaimer about the product: We would like to point out that this tool may only be used if the consent of the site owner and thus all rights for the crawled data are available!

eBakery Product-Crawler - take over product data and prices from other stores

This article is about a self-developed crawler or scraper tool that could save you as an online merchant some hours, if not days of work. To benefit from the eBakery Product Crawler, check out the eBakery Shop. Here we offer digital products, affiliate products, as well as classic services. What exactly is included in the price, you will learn in this blog.
But now to the tool itself, what can it do and how does it help you?

What is scraping?

But first, a brief analysis of terminology. What is scraping? Scraping is short for screen scraping or web scraping. In this process, information from a website is scraped from the screen by an application or script, i.e. scrapped, in order to then use it in a usable form for one’s own website. Probably the best known example of a scraper or crawler is the Google Bot. This reads out websites and then evaluates them to give them a certain ranking in the SERPS. Another example are price search engines, which show you the provider of a product with the best price.

How the eBakery Product Crawler works

This is exactly how the eBakery Scraper Tool can be used. It reads the data from a website, which includes item descriptions, product descriptions, product images, prices, etc., and provides it as a usable CSV file. As an example, let’s take this product detail page. If you were to run the scraper over this, you would get the following results.
You get the first and second title, the exact category classification, the short and long description – if available – in HTML, you get the retail and MSRP price, as well as the image URLs for the available images and the EAN.

Application example

So you could for example. After approval of the data by your supplier, simply transfer the data and enter it as a CSV file into your Wawi.
This saves you a lot of time, since you no longer have to enter the desired item data manually.
It goes without saying that you have the right of use, e.g., the right to use the image. of the images to be allowed to use them in the store.
Consequently, it is also possible to monitor the reference prices on a daily basis and have them adjusted automatically by us.

eBakery Product Crawler - The cost

But what does it all cost you now? For 500 articles per portal a price of only 49.99€ per month is called.
This price is then staggered higher and higher, as you can see in our store. For any other questions, you can contact us in the comment section. Otherwise, our store and ERP experts will be happy to help you. Make an appointment directly.

Do you have questions or need an individual offer? Do not hesitate to contact us.

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