eBay Subtitle – More attention through the subtitle

The ebay subtitle can give you even more visibility if used correctly, if you are already using the perfect eBay title, have placed your keywords in the listing and also your custom eBay template makes the listing look aesthetically pleasing and professional.
But how can you now stand out even more from the crowd with the subtitle? This is what our screencast tutorial explains to you.

Use special characters and emojis in the subtitle

To get more attention to your eBay listings – use the subtitle feature. eBay is UTF-8 capable and therefore accepts special characters and emojis. You can design the whole thing as follows.

Add the subtitle in the eBay listing

Goes to sell and creates a new offer. Simply enter the product name and you will be taken to the page where you can design your subtitle. You can and should use 55 characters to once again highlight the most important benefits for your customers, but above all to make your offer stand out from the crowd with emojis.

Costs for the use of the eBay subtitle

The use of a subtitle costs extra, currently one-time 1,10€ per offer. If you list in 2 categories, then the value doubles. 
We will be happy to advise you on how to make your eBay listing search engine optimized. We can also help you with eBay advertising. If you are interested, get your free initial consultation right away and contact us via phone, email or contact form at 
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