Get rid of TikTok Shadowban

Remove the TikTok Shadowban in 3 steps

Get rid of the TikTok Shadowban? – With our 3 steps you will manage to lift the TikTok Shadowban. We explain what the shadowban is and how to get rid of it in our TikTok tutorial.

Get rid of TikTok Shadowban - What is it for?

Since TikTok is very popular especially among young users, TikTok is very careful about broadcasting the content. Therefore, they carefully check whether the content on the platform is also family friendly. Users may be penalized with a shadow ban for a perceived violation of their policies. This means that a user is not kicked off the platform directly, but the user’s reach is restricted for a certain period of time. However, the restricted user will get a second chance, in which he can show that such a violation will not happen again. If it proves successful, TikTok is ready to rebroadcast the user’s content to a larger audience.

Get rid of TikTok Shadowban - Are you really affected?

If you have a shadowban and want to get rid of it, the first thing you should do is check if you are even a candidate for a shadowban. See if you can find a violation on your end. In many cases, users only think that the shadowban is responsible for the low reach, whereas in 90 percent of the cases it is the content itself. This is because if content is not well received by other users immediately after it is broadcast, TikTok will stop broadcasting it. Day after day, TikTok registers new users on its platform. So the competition is getting stronger and stronger. In that case, try something new for a while or participate in challenges.

Our 3 Steps to get rid of it

However, if you are a candidate for the shadowban, here are the steps you can take to get rid of it: Step 1: Delete the content that violates the guidelines and do not commit any further violations. Even if you have committed a violation even by mistake, make sure that you do not commit it again. If TikTok realizes that you have learned from your mistake, they will lift the shadowban after about 14 days. However, you will have to prove yourself in order to do so. Step 2: Clear your TikTok cache and try to delete the app and re-download it after a few hours. Step 3: Keep going despite low engagement. Post regularly as before and show TikTok that you are still active on the platform and provide good content for users of the app. Put extra effort into this step. This is how you prove to TikTok that they will benefit from you.

If you have any questions, please contact eBakery

If you follow these instructions, you can only wait until normality returns. In the meantime, it’s best to find out what TikTok’s policies are so that you don’t commit another violation in the future. We hope that this video will help you get rid of the shadowban on TikTok and continue to be successful on the platform. Should you have any further concerns or still lack the right social media strategy, we as a social media agency will be happy to help you. Please feel free to make an appointment directly.

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