mydealz: How does social shopping work?

Social shopping is online shopping, but it focuses on active customer participation, relationships, and communication among customers. For this reason it is also called recommendation trading

In this video we show you how social shopping works on mydealz:

Germany’s largest social shopping portal for deals and offers from online stores and local retailers is mydealz. The platform claims to have over half a million registered users who share and rate more than 500 offers daily. With the help of this community, it should be relatively easy to find current top offers on the website, according to mydealz.

Mydealz is free of charge for users. They earn money exclusively through commissions. So if a product is found and bought via mydealz, they get a commission for it.

The procedure in detail

As a social media service provider, we find the principle fascinating: When you call up the mydealz website via a browser, the highlights page opens automatically. There, the currently most popular deals of the mydealz community are shown, which are rated based on a temperature indicator. Every registered mydealz user can rate a deal by clicking on either the plus or minus for the rating. Alluding to how hot a deal is, the sum of these ratings is then displayed in the form of a temperature above the offer. This means that social shopping requires an active community to properly assess the dealz for each other.

When you select a deal, you will be taken to the details where you will get all the necessary information on how to take advantage of the deal, what comparison products are available and what the comparison prices are. In addition, you can also find the comments of mydealz users in the detailed description, where questions about the deal are answered and experiences with the retailer are shared. So you don’t have to rely on the facts, but benefit from the experience of the community.

A strong cumminty

According to mydealz, your site should only contain honest opinions from the community. Merchants who are marketing and using the site for their own purposes are breaking your rules. If you like the deal and want to buy the product, you will be taken to the merchant’s page by clicking the Deals button.

Besides the highlights page you can also have a look at the hot, current and discussed pages. The hot page is supposed to feature deals that are particularly popular with the mydealz community right now. You can find deals that have just been posted under Current. These deals are still to be rated by the community and under Discussed you will find, as the name suggests, deals that the community is currently discussing.

Freebies are in demand

At the top of the website you can find deals as well as coupons and freebies. Freebies are free items, such as trial packs or software for the PC. Of course, you can also find suitable deals via search or category.

As an active member of the community, you can also post the offers, coupon codes and information about new products yourself or participate in discussions, because the more active you are, the more badges you get. These will improve your reputation within the community.

So social shopping on mydealz gets users to support each other while shopping, so that everyone benefits. What do you think of mydealz and have you ever bought something via the site? Drop us a line in the comments!

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