Create a successful website for doctors

We show what is important

What should a website for doctors look like?
We will go through this topic in detail for you.
What should it contain?
Is a blog section useful?
How can it be found on Google?
Answers to these questions can be found in the video.
Since our last episode on creating a website for lawyers was so well received, we are now adapting the whole thing for doctors.
So what should a professional doctor’s website contain?

Website for doctors - What functions should it fulfill?

First of all, again, the functions of a website for doctors.
What could your goals be?

  • First of all, to be found at all -> So to create a platform that can be found on Google
  • Then inform patients about opening hours and contact options
  • What is also now mandatory is to offer online appointment bookings
  • The website should present your services and substantiate your expertise
  • Accordingly, information about you as a doctor, your team, your qualifications and skills should also be presented
  • And last but not least, trust should also be created, for example
    through ratings, certificates, testimonials or visual results

And how can the whole thing be implemented?

Technical basics

First of all, technically.
First and foremost, 3 things are important here.
The content management system, the hosting provider and your own domain.
The CMS, or content management system, is the basic system for your website.
This can range from website builders such as Jimdo or Squarespace to WordPress or individual web design solutions.
This is always a question of budget, but also of requirements.
However, a good website could be realized with all 3 categories.
That’s why we want to explain the advantages of an individual web design so that you can assess whether this is an option for you.

Customized web design from eBakery

As a web design agency, we at eBakery proceed as follows:
First there is a discussion between the customer, e.g. you as a doctor and the designer.
You as a doctor and the designer.
In this meeting, your criteria are recorded, i.e. what is important to you, and counter-suggestions are made.
After all, the customer’s idea does not always make sense from a design or SEO perspective.
A design template is then created afterwards, which you can then view.
This has the advantage that it can be created relatively quickly and you have an overview of how the website will look in the end before it is coded in a complex way.
If you don’t like the color or the font, you can raise objections during this process.
Once this step has been completed, the revised design template is handed over to the development team.
They will then program your website according to this template.
The advantages here are that you get your individual ideas implemented, the right CMS is selected from the outset and the website is professionally coded from the start.
So you don’t have to worry about updates in the future, we’ll take care of that.

Website for doctors - practical example #1

So in the end, you can achieve your goal with all three options, but the path there can be characterized by compromises, losses and time wasted.
But what should such a website look like?
Let’s take a look at several websites and analyze them.
I will tell you what I personally find suitable and what might be missing.
First, a pediatric dental practice.
It is good that it is clear at first glance what specialty it is, what the name of the practice is and that the doctor herself is in the foreground here as a picture.
Links to Instagram, the email address and the telephone number are also directly visible.
I find the navigation rather unsuitable for desktop because it creates too much whitespace.
We’ll see a better implementation in a moment.
What is good, however, is that there is a very large colored button for booking a Doctorlib appointment directly below the image slider.
Overall, the design of the site is very suitable for children.
Below you can find information about the doctor, see what the practice looks like, the team and the opening hours.
Below that, you can find all the information about the types of treatment.
At the end we have a minimalist contact area and an integrated Google Maps map, which is very good for local SEO, but we’ll get to that later.
The whole thing is designed as a one-pager and can certainly be implemented in this form with a website builder.
One thing that is missing here that would make another website better is a permanently visible appointment booking button.
Here, no matter how far you scroll down, it is always visible.
Furthermore, this medical practice also has a CTA under almost every text on the homepage, which is very commendable.
Let’s take a look at the second website.
Here the focus is on something completely different, namely the practice itself.

Website for doctors number 2 in comparison

This website presents all the important information at a glance without having to scroll down.
Address, contact options, name and links to the doctors, consultation times and a link to make an appointment online.
Furthermore, the site looks very clean, friendly and tidy.
Below that is information about the practice including further images, then all the information about the range of treatments, below that the team and once again individual images, all taken with the same background and at the end a description of how to get there, but here without Google Maps integration, but with a route link, which is also very clever from an SEO point of view.
In the footer we then have the book appointment button and all the important information.
However, let’s take a look at what is missing on both pages and what makes our third page better.

What makes the third website better

1. we have a permanently visible button at the bottom right, which gives us all the functions at a glance, including the option to make an appointment and a live chat.

2. trust-creating elements: The third website has its own section called “We in the media”, where press articles, press releases and reports are listed and linked.

3. a blog section: Under “News”, current topics are dealt with in blog form.

At this point, we would like to explain the importance of a blog section once again.

Website for doctors - Why you need a blog section

Since doctors, lawyers and tax consultants can only advertise themselves and their practices to a limited extent, there are only a few approaches to generate reach and indirectly advertise themselves.
One approach is to provide information as an expert.
The aim is not even primarily to get site visitors to read your blog articles, but to create more points of contact so that new people who don’t yet know you come across your website.
Let’s take the blog post “Skin care tips”.
If people were to enter the entire title into Google, the blog post would appear on the first page.
This means that if you are a dermatology practice in Wupperthal, your blog posts would not only be found with the keyword “dermatology practice Wupperthal”, but also, for example, with the keyword “skin care”.
also by the keyword “skin care tips”.
You can multiply this effect by posting videos on YouTube, embedding them in the blog and creating short-form content for Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok from this video using AI.
Because every post has the opportunity to be placed in the SERPs.
For example, if you look at
For example, if you watch a video from our YouTube channel, such as “Gain more customers through SEO ” and enter this keyword into Google, you will see that our video appears first in the video carousel on the first page.
So use your website as a presentation platform, but also look right and left to see which marketing measures are also useful to push this platform.

How to get the Google rank 0 snippet

Let’s move on to number 4: A FAQ section at the bottom of your homepage.
A fourth website we consulted did just that.
Why does this make sense?
Firstly, it expands your page and more text means more opportunities to include keywords.
Furthermore, you get the chance to appear in the SERPs as a rank 0 rich snippet if this exact question is entered on Google.
In this case, the questions are too general, so let’s click on the FAQ section and find a specific question, copy it and enter it into Google.
As you can see, this is the rank 0 snippet.
This exact question is answered with the help of the website text above the organic results in the SERPs.

Creating trust through reviews

Number 5: Ratings and testimonials are missing.
These are listed on the fourth website directly on the homepage, as a slider to click through.
Both from CHECK24, Jameda and Google.
Furthermore, a Proven Expert badge is integrated here as a permanently visible element at the bottom right.
What also makes this website very good is that the telephone number and a link to book an appointment are always visible above the navigation in the header.

Website for doctors - Summary

To summarize, we can say the following.
There is no one perfect website structure for doctors.
As you have seen in the examples, the focus can either be more on the practice or more on the person or people behind it.
Ideally, however, it is important to cover the points listed here on your website.
It should be clear without having to scroll what the name of the practice is, as well as the specialty.
The website visitor should have several options for booking an appointment online using a button.
The consultation hours and address should be visible at the top of the homepage.
Furthermore, the team should be introduced, information on the scope of treatment should be provided and the site visitor should be convinced of your expertise.
A possible trust-creating element here could be video marketing, as much more information can be conveyed in a video than in lengthy texts and images.
If you would like to find out more about web design for doctors, take a look at the linked page.
Finally, we would like to talk specifically about local SEO, as this topic is very, very important for doctors.

What is Local SEO?

What does that mean in the first instance?
SEO stands for search engine optimization.
Local SEO is therefore a specific optimization for local and regional companies.
As doctors, you mainly want to address people in your area, so this plays an important role.
But how can you achieve this?
First of all, a Google my Business profile is essential.
You can see how you can optimize this in the linked video.
But what does it do?
If you enter the specific name of a company or doctor, you should recognize this area on the right.
However, this snippet only appears if a Google My Business profile is available.
Another advantage is the direct integration into Google Maps.
If a potential patient enters here, for example
For example, if a potential patient enters “ophthalmologist nearby”, possible ophthalmologists in the immediate vicinity will be displayed.
However, you can only be displayed if you have a Google My Business entry.

Optimize Google My Business

But how can you optimize it even further?
Here are two tips.
To increase your findability, you can enter your specialization as a keyword after your name. So for example. “Dr. Stefan Fuchs – Dermatologist”.
The second tip relates to the company category.
Make sure that not only doctor is selected here, but that your specialty is also integrated, otherwise Google will not be able to display you correctly.

Web design agency eBakery

If you would like to further optimize your Google My Business profile, please get in touch with our experts.
As alocal SEO agency, we will be happy to help you optimize your rankings.
We are also happy to take on the creation of your website.
Our web design team specializes in exactly that.
This link can also be found in the video description. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments.

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