Instagram Shadowban

Does the shadowban exist and how can you get around it?

This video is about the Instagram Shadowban. What is the Shadowban? Does it really exist? What is its effect? And most importantly, how do you get around it? We provide clarity and answers in this Instagram tutorial.

Instagram Shadowban - The Great Mystery

The shadowban on Instagram is discussed again and again. There are many theories and much guidance on this subject. Some think it’s just a myth, others firmly believe it exists. Now Instagram has spoken out about the shadowban issue for the first time. But first, what is the Instagram Shadowban anyway?

What is the Instagram Shadowban

Many of you may know this moment. Lately, everything has been going very well on Instagram. There were many new comments, many story views and also new followers joined. But all of a sudden, almost nothing happens anymore. Hardly any comments and hardly any likes. It feels like Instagram flipped a switch that made us invisible to most of our followers from one moment to the next. This phenomenon, which is repeatedly noticed by many users, is referred to by many as a shadowban. Instagram is being blamed for this, and it is implied that they are deliberately limiting the reach of some accounts.

Does the Instagram Shadowban really exist?

Now, after years of much speculation, Instagram has officially commented on the issue for the first time. In a blog post, they address the issue of Shadowban and share details that were previously only speculated about. Let’s start with the most important question. Is there a shadowban? Instagram answers 99 percent of the question with no. That is, if you meet certain requirements, then you are a candidate for the Shadowban. But contrary to what was assumed, this is about violations of community guidelines. This means that in the case of content that is not family-friendly, for example, in which violence, hate, racism, tobacco is glorified or sexual content is shown, the account in question is deliberately restricted and its visibility reduced. Instagram differentiates between the Feed and Stories and the Explore Page.

Follower or non-follower - This is decisive here

The shadowban has a completely different effect on what your followers can see than on what users who don’t yet know or follow you can see. In the first case, Instagram assumes that your followers probably know you better and are not immediately put off by political topics, for example, and close the app. If you comment on a politically difficult topic in a story and use swear words or film yourself smoking, there’s a good chance your followers won’t immediately have a completely different image of you because they know you differently, too. Nevertheless, in this case there are small limitations in the feed and stories. The second case is the Explore Page. Here the rules are stricter, because Instagram wants a high user experience. For this reason, we sort out exactly which content and which accounts are shown on the Explore Page. For example, if you smoke a cigar in a reel or express your opinion on the topic of Corona, Instagram will not easily play out this reel via the explore page, as users may get a bad feeling about it. You might close the app and lose trust in Instagram because the app recommends bad or uninteresting content.

Does not violate the guidelines

So here you have to be careful. If you post 90 percent travel content, for example, like pictures of you at the beach and reels of you jumping in the pool and the next post of you is a video of you smoking a cigar in Cuba, then Instagram will limit you for a period of time. So you meet the requirements for the shadowban in a certain case and are restricted for a time because of this violation. So make sure that you do not violate the community guidelines in order not to lose the full coverage.

Instagram Shadowban - Do you also fulfill the social aspect?

For all the other cases where we felt like we fell victim to the shadowban in the past, it was often simply the algorithm ‘s fault. This tries to show users the content that interests them the most first. So in the feed, posts from accounts where engagement was highest are shown first. It’s similar in the stories. They are sorted in order to show the Stories of the accounts with which one had the most engagement first. So if you have times when you feel like the shadowban is to blame, but you’ve followed all the guidelines, it’s more likely that other accounts have performed better and you haven’t listed well with your followers in the feed or in Stories. Then try to get back in touch with your followers more. Writes DMs and responds to comments. Comment at your post and show that you are interested in your life too. Ask questions in stories and try to fulfill the social aspect of social media.

Are you still missing the right Instagram strategy?

If, on the other hand, you are still completely lacking the right Instagram strategy, then feel free to contact eBakery. We are happy to help you as a social media agency.

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