Instagram algorithm

6 tips how to influence the algorithm

How does the Instagram algorithm work in 2021? What do you have to do to influence and trick the algorithm. We explain it to you in this Instagram tutorial.

Instagram algorithm - What's behind it?

To understand the algorithm, it is important to understand Instagram’s goals. The main goal of Instagram is to make money through advertisers. To achieve that, they need to get users to spend quality time on the app so that users come back and stay on the app as long as possible. This is the only way Instagram can suggest them as much advertising as possible. The Instagram algorithm is constantly adapting, but is always designed to push profiles and content that in turn make other users spend a lot of quality time on Instagram. Of course, Instagram doesn’t want bad content because then users wouldn’t come back.

The two feeds on Instagram

When you help Instagram achieve their goals, they reward you, so to speak, by suggesting your good content to many users. Mainly, there are two feeds on Instagram. The first is the Home screen, where Instagram suggests content from users you follow, and the second feed is the Discover page, where content is suggested from users you mostly don’t follow. In both feeds, the content is suggested by the algorithm, which collects and examines a lot of different information from Instagram users. The goal behind this is to pick out the best possible content for users in order to keep users on the platform. So, in order to be suggested to other users, your content has to be really good. Instagram classifies good content through different categories.

The categories of the Instagram algorithm

One category is engagement. This includes likes, comments, saved content, or messages you receive. The other category is retention. How long do users spend on your profile or post, how long do they look at your stories. Another category is Relatability. To what extent does the content have anything to do with the interests of the users? The last category is quality. Quality, in turn, depends on many factors and does not only mean that a picture must be beautiful. With this information, Instagram will show your content to a small portion of your followers and if it’s well received, it will be shown to even more followers. If these followers also like it, the content may even end up on the Discover page, and so on. If the content isn’t well received, Instagram pulls it right back out of circulation.

How to influence the Instagram algorithm

With this knowledge, you can use the algorithm to get more reach. We’ll show you a few tips on how to do it.

Tip 1: Look for good content in your niche by searching for a hashtag, for example, and analyzing the top posts. Use this content as an idea template and save the hashtags as well.
Tip #2: Make a list of all the topics that pertain to your business and search for them on Instagram. You will quickly see which topics were particularly well received. In the future, focus on that instead of just posting what you are interested in.
Tip No. 3: Use hashtags that have not yet been used millions of times, otherwise the competition is too great, but rather hashtags in the 10,000 range to be discovered by new followers.

Tip 4 - 6 to have the algorithm on your side

Tip #4: Post regularly to get a constant increase, which has a positive effect on the algorithm. A constant up and down is rather harmful. So it’s not so important how much you post, but whether you do it regularly.
Tip #5: Extend your content by adding swipe posts to the feed, for example. Swiping keeps users engaged with the content longer, so it’s rated as good. The same goes for reels, videos and interesting image descriptions.
Tip #6: Since Instagram will first show your content to a small group to evaluate it before it either shows up more or disappears, you should post at the time when most of your followers are active. In the Insights you can see when your followers are most active.

For questions about social media contact eBakery

We hope we could help you with this knowledge, so that you will be rewarded by the algorithm in the future. However, if you are still missing the right Instagram strategy, we will be happy to support you. Get in touch with our social media experts to do so.

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