Increase Instagram Storyviews

Instantly increase Storyviews on Instagram

We’ll show you how to increase Instagram Storyviews in this Instagram tutorial. It’s all about the signals. Here you can find out what these are and how you can influence them in your favor.

Increase Instagram Storyviews - How does the algorithm work?

Let’s start by looking at how the algorithm ranks stories. This works in several steps. The first step is to define what Instagram wants to rank for in terms of content. For this purpose, Instagram collects all content posted by users in the Story. Then the algorithm puts the content in order based on the information it has gathered. This looks at what was put into the story, who created the story, and what your preferences are. This information is referred to by Instagram as “signals”. The goal here is that the first stories in your feed are the ones you most want to see from the available stories.

Increase Instagram Storyviews - These are the most important Signals

Instagram itself writes about this in a recent blog post, “Over the years, we’ve learned that Feed and Stories are places where people want to see content from their family, friends, and those they’re very close with.” The main “signals” that are looked at are.

1.information about the story. How old is the story, is it a video or a photo, and in what location was it taken.

2.information about the person who made the story. With this, Instagram sees how interesting the person could be for you. For example, it looks at how many people have interacted with you in the last few weeks.

3.Your activities. These will help you understand if you might be interested in the story.

4.your story in relation to how you interacted with the person. This is how Instagram decides whether or not you care about the story and how important it is to you.

This is the exception

Self-created content is ranked higher than reshared content that was posted to the story from the feed. With one exception: in current situations, such as a soccer World Cup, where many people post to the story from the feed on a particular topic, the algorithm stops doing so because the topic itself is highly relevant to users. In the final step, called rendering, Instagram displays the content in the Story Feed. So, in order to get more views in Stories, we need to focus on the 2nd step of the algorithm, as it is the most crucial and additionally the only one we can influence. Everything depends on the “signals”, i.e. the way users react to your content.

These are the two most important signals

Let’s take a closer look at the two most important signals: The first important signal is the information about the story. This is where Instagram first looks at how recent a Story is. The more recent, the further forward the story is shown. So if you post only one story a day, after a few hours you will automatically be ranked lower. If you post a story every day, but again and again at regular intervals, you will also be ranked further and further ahead and thus fulfill the “most recent aspect”.

Increase Instagram Storyviews through better engagement

The next important piece of information for more views is engagement. So, for example, if you do a poll and users respond to it, you automatically have more engagement. For a soccer game, for example, you could make a poll in addition to the post, what your followers think who will win. Or you can ask a question, such as tips about a place you’re visiting, and your followers can then reply directly to your story via direct message. So you have a prompt that leads to engagement. After all, without a prompt, users automatically respond much less.

Photos vs. Videos - Which is better for Instagram Stories?

If you don’t ask questions in your stories, then videos are a better choice compared to photos. Instagram is a fast platform and very few people look at a photo for 15 seconds. So when a photo is taken, it is often swiped on after a few seconds. This in turn has a bad effect on the algorithm, because it classifies content that has not been watched to the end as unimportant. So put videos rather than photos in your Stories. Videos in particular like to be watched several times and in most cases even in full length.

Increase Instagram Storyviews - More Tips

The second important “signal” for more views is the information Instagram has about the account that created the story. The algorithm pays attention to the relationship that this account has with its followers. It looks closely at how much a user likes this account and how relevant the content is to them. The focus is not so much on the stories themselves. Here everything is taken into account that has to do with the account and how the relationship with each follower is. So improve the quality of your relationship with your followers so that you rank higher. One way to do that is to respond to messages and comments from other users, for example. This doesn’t mean simply responding by sending a Like or a quick thank you, but be friendly to your followers and show that you are broad for conversation in the comments and above all, try to take a serious interest in them. Respond in a polite and detailed manner and take the time to ask questions. Then your followers will be happy to get in touch with you. In this day and age and with the multitude of Instagram accounts, users notice relatively quickly who is only interested in getting comments or who takes the trouble to answer questions in detail and thus offer additional value. The more messages are written between you and other accounts, the more positive it will be for you. In addition, you will also build up long-term followers.

For questions about social media platforms - feel free to contact eBakery

If you improve these “Signals” in the long run, you will be rewarded by the algorithm and will be displayed further in front of your followers in the Storyfeed.We hope that you will successfully get more views on your Instagram Stories with these tips. If, on the other hand, you are completely lacking the right strategy, then feel free to contact eBakery. We are happy to help you as a social media agency.

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