For a while, backlinks were the ultimate multiplier of success. Then followed a period when they were considered unimportant and even frowned upon. But backlinks are back and as important as ever. However, some things should be considered, because only quality counts and makes successful.

High live backlinks: But how do you get them?

Backlinks are links to the online store and thus recommendations that come from the outside and are more significant than internal links. To get relevant links from topic-related pages, from blogs and forums or from social networks, many factors have to fit. Certainly, buying high-quality referrals can also be a solution to get started. But in perspective, online stores should rely on organic link building and thus on backlinks made by users of the store. When it comes to building backlinks, a lot of expertise is required. Therefore, it is advisable not to try to select link sources and create suitable anchor texts yourself.

Small faux pas can cause lasting damage and in the worst case lead to the online store sinking in the ranking or being removed from the index by Google. The best backlinks are obtained from enthusiastic users who mention the store in their posts, thus effectively contributing to the acquisition of new customers.

Why the right anchor texts are crucial

The anchor text, pronounced from basically English and called anchor, is important for both the website visitor and the search engine algorithm. A thematic relevance must be given, since backlinks are at best further information and user recommendations. For example, if the anchor text is about cheap cars and the link goes to a manufacturer of luxury cars, the user benefit is not given in this case. If the anchor reads: “Vegetarian indulgence” and the link comes from a meat manufacturer, the online store undermines its credibility and loses the trust of its customers. Tip: The more backlinks pointing to the store, the more relevant it is for customers. This, in turn, means that backlinks and anchors have a positive effect on new customer acquisition and on Google rankings.

Relevant for Google – interesting for customers

It’s a fine line to walk in terms of relevance to Google and acceptance by your target audience. This makes it all the more important not to try to navigate the complexities and forgo expert support. Backlinks are an essential part of OffPage SEO and an important multiplier of success. Thematically irrelevant, suggesting link farms or simply designed with an unsuitable anchor text, they have the opposite effect. Google talks about over 200 factors that decide the ranking of a website. It is no secret that serious and interesting backlinks with high user value are among them. Tip: Link sources should not only be checked at the time of linking, but also at regular intervals for their thematic relevance and quality.


Backlinks are important for every online store. Here it is not about mass, but about the quality and the seriousness of the link source. The anchor text also has a value for the store that should not be underestimated. Because it must also fit the corporate philosophy and the content of the link. It’s a complex issue with many pitfalls.

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