Installation of the store system Magento 2

Magento 2 installation can be done in three different ways. In our screencast, we chose the fastest option – direct upload to our web server. If you want to know what other methods are available and how our installation variant works, take a look at the Magento 2 Tutorial Screencast or continue reading below the video.

3 methods to install Magento 2

To start the Magento 2 installation process we go to the download section of the Magento website and see three different methods to install the store system. The manufacturer itself recommends the installation via Composer, for open source developers the second variant is available, but we decide for what we think is the fastest method – the direct upload to our server. Therefore we scroll down and load version 2.3.4. because we don’t need to install any additional software for this version. After unpacking, we can simply upload the files to our web server.

Upload to your web server

We will not explain this process in detail here, as it can vary from web hosting provider to web hosting provider, but in most cases it is self-explanatory. Accordingly, you upload the unzipped files to your web server, which may take some time.

Starts the installation process for Magento 2 in the browser

Once this upload process is complete, go to your browser of trust after noting your database name, password and domain. Enter the latter as URL and the installation process will start. To do this, click on “Agree and Setup Magento“, start the Readiness Test, see if you uploaded everything correctly and if your server meets the requirements, then click on “Next” and enter the data you just noted here. This information is to be filled in individually, depending on which time zone you belong to and which currency you use. Lastly, enter a valid email address and use a secure password. Wait for the installation process and go to the backend area of your new Magento online store with “Launch Magento Admin”.

Problems with Magento?

With this, the installation process is complete and you can start right away and bring your online store up to speed, for example, to improve your Magento SEO. If there is a need for optimization that goes beyond your capabilities, we as a Magento agency will be happy to assist you.
Please contact us directly for a free initial consultation.

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