Connect Plentymarkets to your financial accounting system

After introducing you to JTL 2 Datev, we’re now moving on to the cloud-based plentymarkets system. What is the difference to JTL, what is a REST API and how does the interface make life easier for your accountant, you will see in this video with Johannes Seidel.

Plenty 2 DATEV interface

Plentymarkets is a cloud-based eCommerce ERP system that connects and automates all your online commerce processes. However, several aspects are part of a successful online business. Of course, it’s important to generate sales, but it’s just as important to handle them correctly in terms of tax law at the end. And that’s exactly when Jera GmbH comes into play. This is because the company has developed interfaces to financial accounting for online trading. The DATEV FIBU interfaces make it easier for you and your tax consultant to handle invoices, receipts and payments. In addition to many other eCommerce ERP systems such as JTL or Afterbuy, Jera GmbH has also developed an interface to plentymarkets, the Plenty 2 DATEV interface.

How does the Plenty 2 DATEV interface work?

Since plentymarkets is a cloud-based system, the interface cannot access it via the database as it does with JTL. Instead, it gets access via the REST API. This means that the interface connects to the plentymarkets database via the REST API and thus collects the booking data over a certain period of time. Thus, invoices, credit notes and other data are assigned by the plenty 2 DATEV interface and converted into the DATEV format. All booking data for, for example, one month is thus collected and assigned to an account. Depending on which chart of accounts is used, there are accordingly also different accounts such as SKR04. These are set and the revenues are posted in DATEV posting batches so that the tax consultant can read in and process all the data.

Jera GmbH also supports your tax advisor

The posting data is thus assigned to an account, where the following is possible:

  • Chart of accounts is freely selectable: SKR04 or SKR03
  • Collective debtors by payment type or individual debtors with transfer of account labeling
  • Freight charges, vouchers and similar bookable separately

In addition, Jera GmbH also supports your tax advisor if he or she is not yet familiar with eCommerce. There are 2 preparation sheets for this. The first preparation sheet is for you as a merchant, here it is explained, for example, how the REST API is read into plentymarkets or what kind of Paypal access you need.

Try free for one month

With the second preparation sheet, various information is already requested from your tax consultant, e.g. what his client number is or which chart of accounts is used. Does he want to work with individual accounts or collective accounts? Does he have special bank accounts that he uses to service Amazon or Paypal? All support is also offered via Teamviewer, and there is also support for later questions. For one month, your tax consultant can see how well he or she gets along with the interface, and if everything fits, you can decide together to buy it. So if you use plentymarkets as your eCommerce ERP system, the Plentymarkets DATEV interface is a great way to optimize and automate your financial accounting.

Optimize your accounting with the Plenty 2 DATEV interface

Are you interested in the Plenty 2 DATEV interface? Feel free to contact us for more information. Our experts can advise and support you from technical processes to expertise and implementation.

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