Instagram Stories for Business

5 reasons why you need Instagram Stories as an entrepreneur

Why you should use Instagram Stories for your business? We’ll explain and give you 5 reasons why you should include them in your social media strategy.

Use Instagram Stories for your business

What makes stories so special? And why would you use it as a growing business? More than 500 million Stories are uploaded to Instagram every day. This feature is thus the most popular one used by Instagram users. Stories are also one of the features with very high engagement. The 5 most important reasons for companies and brands to use Stories, we show you now.

Reason #1: Transparency and personality

The first reason is to give your followers a personal connection to you. Stories are perfect to show who is behind your company. This way you can show what happens behind the scenes, how you do things in your company and what is important to you. This gives you more personality as a brand and you are even more authentic for your followers. Daily stories will also ensure that you are remembered by your customers.

Use Instagram Stories for business to spread news

Reason number 2 are announcements and news. Stories are the perfect way to inform your followers about news, new releases and things like sales or special promotions. Stories ensure that important news reaches your target audience. At the same time, Stories are a very fast and up-to-date tool, as Instagram is a platform that users use multiple times a day. Additionally you make advertisement for yourselves. As an alternative to a newsletter, Stories are a modern way to inform and direct your customers to a promotion or to your website via the Swipe Up feature.

Reason #3: Tutorials and How-To Videos

The next reason is tutorials and how-to videos. Stories are a great format for explainer and step-by-step videos. Beauty tutorials, recipes as well as simple tips around your product or service give you an expert status and show the manifold use of your product. Moreover, this added value also always ensures more engagement to grow on Instagram. For example, a coffee shop can show coffee recipes and a gym can provide home exercises or nutrition tips.

Use survey in Instagram Stories for business

The fourth reason is surveys. You can use polls in your stories to connect directly with your target audience and get important information. You can ask how satisfied they are with a product or show what products are coming soon and ask what users think. This also allows you to estimate how much of it needs to be available.

Through polls, it is also possible to include followers in the selection of designs and let them participate in the creation process of new products. For example, given a choice of four new drinks for the summer menu, a bar could ask patrons directly which drink they like best. A store for t-shirts might ask what color is most popular for a new shirt. Through this close contact with the target group, you know exactly what goes down well with your customers. Additionally, you show appreciation by including your customers in the planning process.

Draw attention to new posts

Reason number five and therefore the last one is the possibility to draw attention to new posts. This way you increase your reach and are not only dependent on the algorithm. Instagram users swipe through the latest Stories more often than they check the posts feed. With Stories, there is also no algorithm that decides what is displayed and what is not. When you link to a new post in the story, you increase the chances that it will be seen.

Please contact us if you have any questions about social media topics

We hope we could convince you of the necessity of Instagram Stories for businesses. If you have any further questions about Instagram, we will be happy to support you as a social media agency. Please feel free to make an appointment directly.

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