New Instagram algorithm

What the hashtag algorithm changes in 2021

The new Instagram hashtag algorithm 2021, now also requires a new Instagram hashtag strategy. What changes and what you should now do on the one hand, but on the other hand also not, we explain to you in this Instagram tutorial.

The new Instagram algorithm and its pitfalls

Before we get into the right hashtag strategy, we need to be aware of the basic mechanics of the new Instagram algorithm. It adapts itself to your user behavior and its exact laws are a well-kept trade secret of “Meta”. Although it is regularly updated, it underwent its most fundamental changes in 2021. Even if you post high-quality content, there is no guarantee that your target audience will be reached 100% and a basic understanding of algorithm is vital for your operations on Instagram: the Instagram algorithm, even in its updated form, is not a closed book and we will unravel some of its secrets here.

New Instagram algorithm: basics

The 2021 Instagram algorithm, similar to its predecessor, rewards the following factors: Recency, Following, Frequency, Usage, Relationship, and Interest. In summary, this means that your interaction with the platform and other users determines your organic reach. Anyone who is smart can also use the new features of the Insta algorithm in their favor and expand and extend their reach to the maximum. The original Instagram algorithm was introduced in 2016 and replaced the chronological feed. This allowed Instagram to improve the user experience and further individualize and personalize each account. The sheer volume of daily posts began to overwhelm even hardened users, so Facebook felt compelled to establish the Insta algorithm. It could happen that about 70 percent of the relevant posts completely missed their targets. By establishing the first algorithm, it was possible to increase the visibility of target group-relevant content by up to 40 percent and to make the user experience as individual as a fingerprint.

Old and new Instagram algorithm

Trash content degrades the user experience and the algorithm forces content creators to improve quality. Bad content has a negative impact on the community and a negative impact on the Group’s image. The Insta algorithm is designed to cost you, the user, as much time as possible: the more time you spend on Instagram, the more ads you get in your feed, which increases Instagram’s revenue. The more powerful and present Instagram becomes, the more companies invest in Instagram Ads.

Interests, relationships and the Instagram algorithm

The most important factor for all users is that the Insta algorithm takes into account your personal interest and adapts the feed to you based on it. Your personal user behavior feeds Instagram with everything it needs to know, and so the algorithm ends up knowing you better than you know yourself. Privacy advocates are sounding the alarm, especially about the factor that Instagram measures exactly how much time you spend on certain posts and uses that information to make the feed even more addictive and time-consuming. Not even interactions and relationships you maintain with other users are sacred to the company: accounts you interact with regularly are prioritized in the Instagram algorithm. The more you have commented, liked, and exchanged private messages with someone, the more likely it is to be reflected in your feed. The AI also remembers which profiles are searched for and who is tagged on which images. The transparent user.

Timeliness and frequency

New content is clearly preferred by the new algorithm because the old, normal feed is a thing of the past. Timeliness and novelty are clearly rewarded and have priority. This underlines the absolute importance of regular posts and updates. Here it is easy to be tempted to let the quality slide, but you should not give in to it: It is possible to achieve very good and meaningful results in little time. Furthermore, it is worthwhile to pay attention to the recommended posting times and to the browsing times of your target group and to align your activities accordingly. The new Instagram algorithm also measures the frequency with which the user reaches for the smartphone. This means that everyone who browses several times a day will also see posts that are minutes old, and Insta-poopers will see posts that are hours old.

Selection and user preferences

If users follow dozens of accounts, this can result in a lot of content not getting through to them in the first place. The more accounts the user follows, the stricter the algorithm has to select and filter. In this respect, the factors mentioned in the last two paragraphs prove to be particularly important. Depending on how often and in what time frame the app is used, the more the algorithm has to work. People who only use the app sporadically only get the content that has gone particularly viral and is well received by the masses. If you watch the feed more closely, you’ll be served a much wider variation of content. If this content is eventually sifted through, the Instagram algorithm will display content from non-subscribed channels and make new suggestions. These are based on the rest of the content consumed and are intended to elicit even more attention from the user. Moreover, the Insta algorithm remembers whether you prefer images or videos and incorporates this into your feed.

Instagram algorithm 2021 and its biggest innovations

Probably the biggest innovation is that the new Insta algorithm is basically three at once. Content in the Explore section, Feed and Reels tab are ranked differently. The story algorithm as well as the feed are the areas that prioritize timeliness and give you the content from those you are most engaged with. It doesn’t matter if this contact comes from reactions, DMs or likes: friends and family are displayed just as often as your favorite celebrities and influencers. If you have certain favorite accounts, you will get the latest posts right after they are published. Conversely, this means that you need to post a lot in the feed to properly address your target audience.

The Explore Feed

The second in the group is the Explore Feed. This is similar to the standard feed, but differs in that you will be shown new content based on your already established interests. For example, if you follow a lot of guitar videos, you will then be shown a large selection of matching channels that match that interest. The Explore Feed is constantly expanding and feeding you with what’s interesting to you: watch out, this feed is particularly addictive and devours a lot of your attention.

The Insta algorithm as a competitor to TikTok

The Reels feature was introduced by Instagram to compete with TikTok. Similar to the Explore feed, content from accounts you don’t already follow will be prioritized. The rule of thumb here is that entertainment value determines how far a video gets. Here, it’s important that your reels are also shared in the feed and tagged with appropriate hashtags. Ultimately, just like in the other areas, you have to score with quality and originality: This is the only way to achieve a high interaction rate. At least here the old and the new algorithm are the same. The insights of your business account will tell you very quickly which content you can score with and which you can leave out. But which hashtag strategy is the best for the new Insta algorithm?

New Instagram algorithm - This was always advised until now

Previously, it was always advised to use 30 hashtags for a post. You should choose a mixture of frequently and rarely used hashtags. Some time ago, this strategy worked well. But the multitude of hashtags makes it difficult for the algorithm to evaluate for whom the content is suitable. Special, as many also use hashtags that have little meaning to the post. Hashtags such as #Gute Laune, #Feierabend or #mitmeinenFreunden do not give the algorithm any precise information about which target group your post is intended for.

New Instagram algorithm - This now applies

At this point, hashtags on Instagram are one of the few ways you can still communicate with the algorithm. That’s why it’s important that you don’t share unnecessary or even false information when using hashtags. Hashtags should be used to tell Instagram what niche you are active in with your profile on Instagram, or in other words, who should see your posts. For this reason, fewer but more accurate hashtags have recently become more beneficial. 8 to a maximum of 15 hashtags give an accurate description that the algorithm can use to push the post out to the right people. Less is more here. Of these few hashtags, you should also use about three to five very frequently used tags, because it’s no longer about being found under the hashtag, but giving the algorithm the right info.

3 niche hashtags you should always use

In order for Instagram to understand exactly what niche you are in the long run, you should always use the same three hashtags that belong to your industry under each post. The rest of the hashtags should be directly related to the post. Use hashtags that get to the heart of what the post is about. Don’t use jokes or insiders. This way you make sure that the algorithm gets the right information from you.

New Instagram algorithm - The summary

So let’s recap:

  1. Use a total of 8 hashtags in one post.
  2. Three of these hashtags should be branding hashtags.
  3. The 5 remaining hashtags should be chosen specifically for the post.

This strategy has already been tested by some bloggers and has generated significantly more engagement. Even with very inactive accounts, this strategy has worked to reach users through the Explorepage, even though the posts never made it to the Explorepage in the past. We hope that this strategy will help you get more reach on Instagram.

For social media questions feel free to contact eBakery

Now you have at least once the right hashtag strategy. But without a holistic Instagram strategy, you’ll quickly get lost and won’t be able to use your full potential. That’s why eBakery supports you as a social media agency. Please feel free to make an appointment.

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