TikTok Hashtag Strategy

The 3 most common TikTok hashtag mistakes

Whether you should use hashtags for your TikTok videos or not, you will learn in this TikTok tutorial. If you use any, you better not make these 3 mistakes. What are the 3 most common TikTok hashtag mistakes, you can see in the video.

These are the tasks of hashtags at TikTok

If you are interested in Use of hashtags If you haven’t given it much thought so far, you might be making the typical mistakes and your hashtags might even be hurting you.Let’s start with the purpose of hashtags on TikTok.On TikTok, hashtags have 2 different tasks: The first task is that hashtags serve the Algorithm show which users the content should be shown to and the second task is to assign content to a category. Without considering this purpose, users often make the following mistakes.

TikTok Hashtag Strategy - Mistake #1: Too many hashtags are used.

By having too many different hashtags, TikTok may find it difficult or impossible to assign you to a category. This will result in your video not playing well. We recommend you use only 3 to 4 hashtags per post in August 2021. Use a good mix of highly searched hashtags and hashtags that fit your niche exactly. For trends, you should also use the trending hashtag first.

TikTok hashtag strategy - mistake #2: irrelevant hashtags are used

Many users still used hashtags that are meant as a joke or additional caption. These types of hashtags don’t do their job at all. Also, the popular hashtag ForYou, which is often used to get to the ForYou Page, is not related to your content and will not ensure that you get to the ForYou Page. Therefore, under no circumstances simply use any hashtags such as #viral.

Be aware of the task of hashtags on TikTok

Some users also invent their own hashtags. If you don’t have millions of subscribers on TikTok, we don’t recommend it either. When choosing hashtags, you should also not use hashtags that are too long. It happens that users put whole sentences into hashtags. This is also a disadvantage on TikTok.
Use hashtags purposefully so they can do your job accurately on TikTok.

Error #3: Only the most searched hashtags are used.

Hashtags fall into three categories. The most searched with over 100 thousand uses. The middle ones with 10-100 thousand uses and
the little sought after with up to 10 thousand uses.
While the most searched hashtags may match your content. If you only use these hashtags, you might even show the algorithm the right category, but you won’t manage to beat everyone else. For this reason, you should mix the type of hashtags. By the way, if you always use only the most searched hashtags and they don’t even match your content, TikTok will classify you as spam and stop playing you.

For questions about social media platforms, feel free to contact eBakery

Even if you avoid these mistakes in the future, you should realize that hashtags don’t guarantee success. They should be used wisely, but ultimately your content will determine your success. What is indispensable, however, is a social media strategy. If you are still lacking this, eBakery as a social media agency will be happy to help you.

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