Who doesn’t fondly remember the days when there was a yellow box called a phone booth on every corner and you carried umpteen phone cards in your wallet? When cell phones were the size of baseball bats and the landline phone still had a cord. Those were the days when supermarkets still had to close at 6 p.m. and Thursday late-night shopping until 8 p.m. was a family highlight. In the past, everything was just a little different… well noticed: EARLIER! Today, opening hours are a remnant from prehistory, something annoying, something that is not web compliant. Modern online commerce arose from the displeasure of this pre-Christian era. Online retail can and wants to do everything better, but how is that supposed to work when Otto Normal online retailers get involved with agencies that still use practices from “back in the day”. An online store never closes! But what happens if the online store becomes the victim of a DDOS attack on a Sunday, in the first week of the month, when the customers’ pay envelopes are full to bursting, and the responsible agency lets its answering machine run hot? The answer: umsatzeeinbußen!!! A modern e-commerce agency must provide its customers with a possibility to intervene in case of emergency and to write the supreme commandment in online commerce“Thou shalt not close” on its flags. Just as traditional retail was once overrun by eCommerce, this will be the case when agencies close at 1 p.m. on Fridays and leave their clients alone. If God (Google) had tweeted the 10 Commandments to an online retailer, it would probably look like this: The first commandment I am Google, your God. You shall have no other gods beside me. The second commandment You shall not abuse the links of the Lord your God. The third commandment You are supposed to sell on holidays. The fourth commandment Thou shalt honor reviews from Trusted Shops and Facebook. The fifth commandment You shall not close. The sixth commandment You should not cancel AdWords. The seventh commandment Thou shalt not steal content. The eighth commandment You are not supposed to give false testimony and have to warn your competitor for it. The ninth commandment You shall desire your neighbor’s supplier. The tenth commandment Thou shalt covet thy neighbor’s agency if they are NOT attainable in the 10 Biblical Plagues.   We don’t want to get blasphemous here, but Google and Amazon are turning into gods of the modern age, with all their vengefulness in the form of countless Penguin, Panda, ASIN and EAN plagues. And when the gods rage again and terrorize you with the biblical 10 plagues, it’s good to have Moses or eBakery at your side. Who deal with your catastrophe even after closing time and shake an offering out of their sleeves. When the time comes for agencies to see their customers – no matter how small – as partners in a world full of plagues, then milk and honey will flow again!

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