Branded hashtag challenges can only be found on TikTok so far. Maybe some of you have seen a Branded Hashtag Challenge on the Discovery site. Here, users are asked to participate in a specific challenge that a brand has come up with for marketing purposes. This challenge is then assigned a hashtag by the brand, which is used by participating users to join the challenge. All user participations can therefore be found via the selected hashtag.

In this video, we’ll show you exactly what a TikTok Branded Hashtag Challenge is and how to best market it.

Grow organically

Similar to popular hashtag challenges or trends, branded hashtag challenges also offer the additional opportunity to grow organically. For brands, Branded Hashtag Challenges are a great way to integrate into the TikTok culture, as this ad format is designed specifically for TikTok users who are passionate about trending and participating in challenges.

The ad format has three placements within the app:

  1. They can appear in between in the feed and encourage the user to participate in the challenge.
  2. On the Hashtag Challenge landing page: Here you can find the logo of the brand, a link to the website and a short description of the challenge. Also, the most popular videos of users who participated in the challenge are shown here. When users click on the branded hashtag, they are redirected to it.
  3. On a banner that can be found on the Discovery Page and redirects users directly to the Hashtag Challenge landing page.

Ideas and creativity are the key

To develop a successful branded hashtag challenge, you should first come up with an idea that gives users enough freedom to be creative on their own while being entertaining. We would be happy to help with this as part of a social media consultation. Then, when you integrate your brand name into the hashtag, users build a direct connection to you. In order for as many TikTok users as possible to participate in a Branded Hashtag Challenge, it is also very beneficial to cooperate with one or more creators you know on TikTok. If they contribute to the challenge, they encourage their fans and followers to participate in it as well and additionally push the success of the challenge.

TikTok can also be part of a social media strategy

At eBakery, we also take care of social media services. Entering TikTok accounts and optimizing them can also be part of it. If you have any questions about this topic, feel free to contact us!

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