Twitter Communities

A mix of Reddit and Facebook groups?

Twitter communities can be compared to a Facebook group or Reddit. It is a separate area where a community can communicate with each other about a specific topic. If you want to know more about Twitter Communities, check out the video.

Twitter Communities - The new feature

Twitter is currently testing a new feature that could transform the platform. The concept behind the new feature is reminiscent of Facebook groups or Reddit. A tweet announced the test for the new feature. Since it is still being tested, users can only become members of a Twitter community by invitation. If this is accepted, users can send contributions directly to the community. Posts can be seen by all users, but commenting on posts is only possible for community members. When Twitter releases this feature, any Twitter user will be able to create their own communities and set users as moderators. A moderator of a community can remove inappropriate posts and invite new members.

The principle behind

A new tab is to be introduced for the communities, which will take users directly to the communities. The principle is similar to Facebook groups, where users can network and exchange ideas on specific topics. Additionally, topic-relevant hashtags and tweets are suggested for members in the communities. Twitter itself explains the principle of communities like this: when you join a community, you can tweet directly to that group instead of to all your followers. Only members of the same community can reply and participate in the conversation to keep it intimate and relevant.

These are the reasons for Twitter Communities?

Intimacy, i.e., privacy within the communities, is the focus here, as group members should be able to exchange information without worry. The product manager at Twitter wrote about it: Right now community creation is limited, but in the coming months we’ll allow more people to create communities so everyone can talk about their topic, whatever it is. Some of the first communities we’re testing surround popular conversations on Twitter. For example, topics such as dogs, weather, sneakers, skin care, and astrology, with more topics to come in the future.

When will the feature be available?

So far, the feature is not yet available for all users. The new community tab is said to be visible only in the Twitter app for iOS users so far. However, it should also be available for Android users in the coming weeks. The big difference with closed Facebook groups is that communities are public. So any Twitter user can search for communities, read posts and follow discussions even if they are not members. For questions and optimization requests around Twitter, contact our social media specialists or make an appointment right here.

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