Twitter Marketing

How to use your tweets properly to gain more reach on Twitter

In this Twitter marketing tutorial, you’ll learn how to. Tweets the right way to gain more reach for your business.

Why your focus should be on Twitter marketing

Twitter, has been around for a long time, but still you should use the platform all the more right now, because on Twitter you can grow faster than on any other social media platform. The possibility of getting a large reach is extremely high and worth its weight in gold for your business. Now if you want to learn how to make the most of your tweets, the video now to the end.

Twitter Marketing Tip # 1

At the beginning, choose three categories whose content you want to tweet about. Of course, these categories should fit your business and appeal to your target audience. For one thing, this makes it much easier for you to create content because you don’t have to randomly think about what to tweet next. At the same time, your followers know what to expect from your tweets. A rough guideline for fast growth is to tweet a content that gives added value 3-5 times a day. These can be texts in which you explain how something works, they can be personal experience reports or quotes.

Not every tweet has to be earth-shattering

If you’re thinking, that’s too much content for you, you can’t think of that much, then we can reassure you, because not every tweet has to be earth-shattering. Short texts are enough, all of which you can already prepare, because it is very important that you tweet constantly. To more cleverly pre-plan your tweets, there are several tools, such as Tweetdeck, that you can even use for free. Here’s where you can make yourself a weekly schedule so you don’t fall behind.

Create a list of topics

To get inspiration for new tweets, we recommend you create a list of people who cover your exact topics. Check them out to see what they’re writing about and get inspired to write similar tweets, but be careful not to copy anything. While you’re at it, write down directly the hashtags that are used. Use these hashtags to attract people who don’t follow you yet but are interested in these topics. If you’re spontaneous, it’s also very helpful to react to trends. If a trend fits your topic area, compose tweets about it using the designated hashtags.

Know what people care about with this Twitter marketing tip

One disadvantage is that trends cannot be planned well in advance. But the advantage is that they have high potential to be shared and generate new followers. Another benefit of having a large amount of tweets is that after about 100 tweets, you’ll see exactly which topic was best received, because there will most certainly be tweets that will stand out. You can address these topics much more and intensively in the future, and other topics that didn’t go over well can be better left out in the future. When analyzing, you also find out which time of day was the most effective. Stick to it in the future and your tweets will automatically be read by more people. That way, over time, you’ll filter out what your audience wants to hear and how to grow it most quickly and effectively.

The tweetstorm

Another useful tip is to create a tweetstorm about once a week. A tweetstorm is a whole series of tweets marked with a number and covering one topic. So virtually a whole article, which was divided into about 12 parts. In doing so, the first tweet is the most important because it needs to engage your followers to read on and catch their eye. You can do this by writing something provocative or surprising, for example. In the tweets, you can include links to your website or products if they should fit the topic. Also, at the end of the article, you can point out that readers can contact you if they have any questions or need help.

Also pay attention to the spelling and design

If even one tweet spreads quickly, chances are very high that readers will go to your page to read more from you and eventually follow you. If you create the tweetstorm regularly, it will become a very powerful tool to get many new followers. If it fits your topics, you can also mention already bigger accounts in your tweets to get retweeted by them in the best case. You do this by thanking them for good information, for example. Of course, mentions should only be in positive contexts. The design of your tweets also matters. We automatically click on tweets that we also like visually. This starts with an outline, upper and lower case to emojis. Take a little time to make your tweets stand out visually, too. If you follow these tips, your account and tweets will gradually get more visibility.

To optimize your Twitter marketing, turn to eBakery

For questions and optimization requests around Twitter, contact our social media specialists or make an appointment right here.

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