Find freelancers on Fiverr as an online merchant

The Fiverr Guide for your business

As an online merchant, you can use Fiverr to hire freelancers for your marketing, programming, data entry, and more. Find out more in our Fiverr Guide for your Business 2021. Find freelancers on Fiverr as an online merchant – Here’s how.

What is Fiverr?

In this article we will explain how to find and hire the best freelancers on Fiverr. Fiverr is a free platform where people can offer or buy any type of service starting as low as $5.
To find a freelancer, you usually type relevant keywords into the search and then you can scroll through the providers. Ratings can be used to select freelancers and most even offer different packages that you can compare. When you pay someone, they get the money from Fiverr, only after the work is done.

Finding freelancers on Fiverr as an online merchant - Are there any disadvantages?

However, with the many advantages there are also some disadvantages, and that is that each freelancer can set their own prices. This means that you can not infer the quality of the work from the price. Also, if a project is poorly handled, you don’t have much of a chance of getting your money back. Since there are so many freelancers out there, and there are a lot of really bad freelancers out there, it’s very hard to choose a freelancer who is really good. Also, you often can’t trust the reviews, because many of them are simply fake. To avoid bad results, we’re going to show you a few things that you should definitely consider when choosing a freelancer on Fiverr.

Instead of search, be found as a company

You can already make a big difference by not going out looking, but by making a request. Here you can describe exactly what you are looking for and select the appropriate category, set a deadline and set your budget. The best thing to do is to write in the description that the suppliers should send you their price proposals. This will save you a lot of time when freelancers have to search for you and not the other way around. It is important that you do not enter your email address as a contact, because Fiverr will reject your offer, since it is supposed to run through the platform and not privately.

Find freelancers on Fiverr as an online merchant - What to watch out for

With this simple search, the chance to hire professional freelancers is much higher, since only providers who really want to do the work and feel qualified to do so will contact you. Of course, there will be freelancers who would try anything for a few euros, which is why you should pay close attention to the spelling right from the first contact. A message that is too formal is more indicative of a beginner, and a message full of slang and spelling errors shows little effort on your part.
A few other things you should definitely look for when looking at a provider are the following:
As already mentioned, the ratings are often fake. Therefore, do not be fooled by the number of reviews. Often a rating number of 7 is a lot more credible than 200. Take a moment to look at the reviews. With short, repetitive texts, it stands to reason that it’s just fake. Different more detailed texts, on the other hand, are more credible.

Find freelancers on Fiverr as an online merchant - control criteria

Next, be sure to check if the profile is complete. If you see at first glance that there are many spelling mistakes in the profile or the grammar is not correct, then you should rather distance yourself. The profile only needs to be completed once. But if someone doesn’t even bother to do that, you can imagine how the person works. If you get an eye for it, of course, but you also see when someone has made a special effort. Whether a provider is fairly new or has been around for a long time doesn’t necessarily say anything about their skills, because new providers in particular have often been freelancers in their field for years and since they are new to the platform and want to get good reviews, they in particular put in a lot of effort at low prices. So after you have checked these things, you can now get in touch.

Get to know the person behind the account better

To better vet freelancers, you can ask them subject-specific questions in the first contact and ask about their experience. If they can answer your questions quickly, you can be sure that you are dealing with a professional. At the same time, you can check how quickly the person reacts to you. Quick communication is important if something needs to be reworked or is not as desired. Build relationships through detailed conversation, because this way you get to know the person behind it and quickly find out for yourself whether a collaboration could fit or whether the provider can not understand your wishes at all.

Fiverr is also suitable for longer-term cooperation

Once you’ve decided on a provider, don’t just hire the one, look for multiple providers at the same time to compare their capabilities. Of course, this is not necessary every time, but especially in the beginning you need to find out how different the skills are and what the work is really worth. Unfortunately, this can take some time, but if you want to work with freelancers from Fiverr in the long run, it’s definitely worth it. If you work well with a person in the long term, there is of course the possibility of continuing to work together privately. Keep this option in mind, but only take this step if you really have had a very good experience with a provider for a long time.
If you keep these things in mind and take some time in the beginning to make a good selection, you can get very good results for your business over a long period of time with Fiverr.

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