OnlyFans is a social network that lets you connect fans and creators by posting exclusive content. It is very popular and therefore has grown a lot. The pandemic due to Covid-19 and isolation periods influenced the growth of the social network. When it comes to content monetization, OnlyFans is a standout platform. You can offer your content and charge a fee. Profiles on the platform can create monthly payment subscriptions or apply additional donations and charge values to provide access to certain content.

Publish content

There are several ways to publish your content on social networks. It is possible to provide the information in a single publication with a defined price or place for donations. In addition, the platform allows you to sell packages of multiple photos and videos for a single price. You can also talk to subscribers via direct messages, with space to get donations. However, if you, as a content creator, do not want friends, acquaintances, or family members to have your access to the platform, you can disable certain regions.

How to do it and what should be considered in this case?

You can easily block a country, for example, in three steps. Users may be prevented from accessing your OnlyFans account. To do this, you need to follow three simple steps in your own OnlyFans profile. As usual, the first important step is to register only with fans. From the profile icon you need to access the “Settings”, where you will find the “Privacy and Security”, located on the left side of the screen. Then you should look in the menu with “Lock by country”. If you click on this icon, you will see the names of the countries and there you should select the countries you want to block. It is also possible to block only a single IP address.

What else is important?

It is worth mentioning here that if users of the blocked country use a VPN (Private Virtual Network), for example, your block will not work, as this private virtual network can ignore the countries’ barriers and create a direct navigation route. Therefore, it is important to pay attention.

eBakery helps to clarify doubts and questions

If you want to know more about OnlyFans, contact eBakery, a professional OnlyFans agency.

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