Upload TikTok videos from PC

We show you how it works

We will show you how to upload TikTok videos from PC in this TikTok tutorial. Watch this video to learn how to upload and post your TikTok videos from the comfort of your PC or Mac. Why you should still rather use the smartphone, you will learn here.

Upload TikTok videos from your PC - How to sign up

Since many users edit their TikToks on the PC, the question comes up again and again whether one cannot post these also directly from there. To answer the question directly: Yes, this possibility exists and this is how it works: Go to TikTok.com for this. To sign up, click on Sign up and then on Use QR code. To scan the QR code, go to Discover on your TikTok smartphone and then click on the scan icon in the upper right corner. Now you can hold your smartphone in front of the screen and log in easily. Now go to your profile and on the right side you will see either a cloud or directly the lettering “Upload”.

Upload TikTok videos from PC - design like on smartphone

This will take you to the upload area. On the left side you will see the area you need to select to upload your video. When you click on it, a window will open that will give you the possibility to choose your video. After the selection you will see your video as a preview on the left side. Now you can choose a description. You have 150 characters available for this. Also, if you click on the @, you can tag people. By the way, you can also simply type @ for marking. Next, select the cover. To do this, simply select a point from the video. After you have chosen a cover, you can now decide who can see your video. It can be private, public or visible only to your friends. In the last section you can choose whether users can comment on your post or create a duet from it. The last thing you need to do is click on Upload and your video will be online. As you can see, it’s quite easy to post TikToks from your PC. Nevertheless, we recommend you to use the app via your cell phone in the first place, as TikTok is actually designed for smartphones. The easiest way is to film, edit and post everything on your smartphone.

Social media agency eBakery

Now you have learned how you can make your everyday life easier, for example, if you have edited your vides on the PC. However, if you still lack the right social media strategy, contact the experts at eBakery. We are happy to support you as a social media agency.

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