5 YouTube Hacks for More Views

How to get your video more clicks

We have collected 5 YouTube hacks for more views and present them in the following YouTube SEO tutorial. With these YouTube tips and tricks, you will get more clicks and your channel will grow steadily, giving you more subscribers on YouTube.

YouTube Hack #1: Choose your niche

This may not sound like a hack, but let’s take a closer look. YouTube is a company that makes money from advertisements. For this reason, YouTube’s goal is to keep users on your video platform for as long as possible so they can show them as much advertising as possible. To achieve this, YouTube categorizes all video channels and suggests similar videos to users in the sidebar. It makes sense to specialize in a topic to be more easily assigned to a category by YouTube, so your videos will also appear in the sidebar. It is important that your topic is not too general. “Cooking, for example, is a very general topic. However, if you specialize only in soups, chances are high that YouTube can assign your channel to a category more easily and you will be found faster in the sidebar by users who are already watching other recipe videos about soups. If you have a lot of subscribers and views, you can of course start with additional themes, but especially in the beginning it is important that you create the conditions to be displayed in the sidebar.

5 YouTube Hacks for More Views - What are they looking for?

Many videos on YouTube are ego-centric. Titles such as “What’s in my camera bag” or “My morning routine” are often used. But if you don’t have many subscribers yet, people aren’t interested in what tricks you do as a person or what equipment you use specifically. Users also do not search for these terms, which means that you will hardly be found. If we stay with the cameras example, for example, a better option would be to use the title “Best Youtube Camera”. To find out which keywords are most searched for certain topics, you can use free tools like the YouTube Keyword Tool. Here you can see the monthly search volume for a keyword. Use this as a guide when choosing a title to ensure that your video is searched for.

Hack #3: Use an interesting title

To make users watch your videos, you need to arouse their curiosity. This requires a good title. Make sure, however, that you do not overdo it. Promises you can’t keep will lead to disappointed viewers who will rate your video poorly. That’s why we’re going to show you our 3 tips for a good YouTube title: Keep the title short! Titles that are too long are shortened by Youtube and the videos are downgraded. Therefore, do not use titles that are too long.
Focus on the users: present why they should see your video and what they will get out of it. Mention the main keywords: it is important that relevant keywords are in the title to be found.

5 YouTube Hacks for More Views - An Eye-Catching Thumbnail

Just like the title, the thumbnail is the first thing users see when they find your video on YouTube. It’s important that a thumbnail looks eye-catching, so you shouldn’t just use a still image from your video. It is better to use an image that matches the content. For example, for a tutorial on how to bake a pizza, the thumbnail should show a picture of a finished pizza. Also use a short text in the thumbnail. For the pizza tutorial, for example, that would be : “The perfect pizza”.

Watchtime is what counts

YouTube views are not the same as views. It is important that your video is not clicked away in the first few seconds. This causes YouTube to classify your video as less relevant. Therefore, make sure that you are already convincing in the first seconds. For example, don’t start a tutorial with a vlog first, and don’t use intros that are too long. If the viewer gets the feeling in the first few seconds that they can’t find what they’re looking for quickly and easily in your video, they’ll look for another video relatively quickly. Therefore, especially at the beginning of the video, try to show that you will fulfill what you promised. This way you can make sure that your video is watched in full length. Then the YouTube algorithm will work for you.

For YouTube SEO questions, feel free to contact eBakery

These were our #5 hacks on how to get more views on YouTube. If you are still not getting anywhere with these, feel free to contact us to work on your marketing strategy and get your YouTube channel optimized all around.

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