Avoid TikTok mistakes

Avoid these 4 mistakes on TikTok at all costs

You should avoid these TikTok mistakes to avoid giving away your potential in 2021. In this TikTok tutorial we will show you which 4 mistakes you should avoid on TikTok at all costs. That’s why you don’t go viral.

These are the TikTok mistakes you should avoid

In today’s episode, we want to show you the most common mistakes that many TikTok Creators still make and therefore fail to grow. If you’re active on TikTok and wondering why your views aren’t increasing, you may be making the very mistakes most people make. Watch this video now until the end to find out which mistakes you should definitely avoid in the future.

Mistake #1: Posting too often can be harmful

Mistake #1: You post too much.
TikTok now has more users uploading videos regularly than viewers. As a result, there is a huge offer for every viewer. However, every viewer has a limited attention span. For example, if you post something 6 times a day, that attention span is quickly exceeded. Watching two videos a day from one person is fun, but watching 6 or more videos from one person at once quickly becomes exhausting or annoying. If we see something too often, it loses its appeal and becomes uninteresting. That’s why it’s important that you create really good content, rather than six mediocre videos. Stick to about 7 uploads a week, spread fairly over the 7 days. You can also upload 2-3 videos twice a week. The only thing that matters is that you don’t overwhelm your audience with content. Take one day a week to do this by pre-producing the content. This way, you can take enough time to pay attention to all the details and take your videos to the next level.

Avoid TikTok mistakes - No reflection

Mistake #2: You don’t analyze your videos.
You post good content regularly, but your audience numbers stay the same? Then you probably don’t analyze your content and post a lot of different content that doesn’t build on each other. You should look very closely every 2 weeks or so to see which videos worked best and which didn’t. Filter your content and continue with the videos that worked. If a video has been well clicked, then make a part 2 or a whole series. Why else would viewers who liked just one video of yours stay on your profile? Use the well-watched videos to also direct viewers to your other videos that are built on the same principle. The worst thing you can do is not pay attention at all, but be happy that once a video was well received.

Avoid TikTok mistake #3 - Too much variance can also be harmful

Mistake #3: You make too many different videos.
To build a community, it is important to have a specific idea. You can’t do everything, because everything doesn’t get you anything. You need to be known for a specific topic in a specific niche. Someone who does everything is not known for anything. If you always follow the same topics like soccer, then you can use the same hashtags and your viewers will happily return to your page because they know what they’re going to see on your site. If a video of yours goes viral and you gain a lot of followers the next day, those followers will expect similar content from you in the future. However, they will quickly unfollow you if you suddenly show them dance and baking videos instead of soccer videos. Focus on one topic and stick with it.

Trends can help you, but they can also hurt you in the long run

Mistake #4: You only jump on trends and don’t create anything new.
Trends are of course very important on TikTok and a great way to get attention. However, you should always keep a good balance between original videos with your own sound and trending or copycat videos. TikTok is full of people imitating each other, but original videos are rare. So use both to stand out from the crowd. By the way, the TikTok algorithm promotes original videos with their own sound, so you will almost never find videos on the for you page that you have already seen on many others.

Feel free to contact eBakery with any questions about social media issues

If you want to know more about TikTok SEO or you are reaching your limits with your business on this platform, we as a social media agency will be very happy to help you work out your TikTok strategy. Arrange an appointment directly

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