Make money with Instagram Reels

The new bonuses make it possible

Make money with Instagram Reels? Soon this will be possible. Because as for the live function, there is now also a bonus for the reels. What the incredible sum of 1 billion US dollars is all about and how you can get your piece of the pie, you can find out here.

Make money with Instagram Reels - 1 billion for Creator

Instagram is in a process of change. The CEO recently announced that Instagram is no longer a photo-sharing app. The future of the platform is videos, he said. They now want to drive this process forward. He also shared on Twitter that Instagram wants to pay a total of one billion U.S. dollars to Creators who create Reels. For this purpose, the Reels Summer Bonus was launched in the USA. This is also to come to Germany. When exactly this will happen, however, is not yet entirely clear. The bonus system is to run until the end of 2022.

Make money with Instagram Reels - How much is it?

The maximum amount a Creator can earn here per month is 500 dollars. Billing is based on the number of views. It doesn’t matter whether a single reel gets 200,000 views or several reels together. According to the current status, the creator must reach at least 200,000 views to earn 500 dollars. The app displays the bonus status and the total number of views, so users are always up to date. Instagram hereby shows how serious they are about change. The willingness of users to pay a maximum of $500 shows that they want to drive the success of Reels as quickly as possible. Similarly, they just recently added the feature that you can get money for going live. This is another feature that is already known from TikTok. The competition and rivalry between the two apps is growing.

More bonus models

In addition, a bonus system is also planned for IG-TV. This will be launched as soon as the IG-TV ads have arrived here in Germany. This is a trend that Instagram will maintain. New features of the app are supposed to be extremely pushed by bonus money. In this way, they want to push your app further. For us as users, this trend has two advantages. On the one hand, when we use the new features, we are additionally pushed by Instagram. Reels, for example, are just a means to grow organically on Instagram again. Something that was actually no longer possible. Reach and visibility were points of complaint for many users on Instagram in recent years. Now, through Reels, everything is possible again, because every user who uses Reels gets the opportunity to get a lot of reach through the feature. The second advantage is that they even pay us to post more reels.

Here's what you need to keep in mind to grow on Instagram in 2021

That’s why we recommend that if you want to grow on Instagram in 2021, post reels. Take advantage of the support Instagram is giving Creatorn of Reels right now, because you want videos to succeed on your platform. Currently, there is no better way to get started in the app. Photo content is out but videos are the future Instagram wants on your platform.
But posting randomly without a concept will not get you there in the long run, unfortunately. That’s why you should develop an Instagram strategy or have it developed for you. eBakery as a social media agency is happy to help you.

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