Facebook Creatives Tutorial

This is what your creatives should look like

In this Facebook Creatives tutorial for dropshipping, Luciano from eBakery explains how your creatives should look like. As basics, we’ll first show you how Facebook Ads work, and then give you tips on how to stand up to billion-dollar corporations.

Facebook Creatives Tutorial - How does the Facebook Ads auction system work?

Now where do I start. The easiest thing to understand first would be that Facebook is an auction. I’ll say in 2015 there were under 7 million, advertisers worldwide and that’s why at the time of 2015 about there was a pretty intense “run” there also began the more intense distribution of dropshipping ads on Facebook. We’re talking about the China dropshipping with Aliexpress, so if that’s considered known that most Googles coaches naturally try to distribute on now all platform. Which, in turn, they also do because they know one thing very well: the high number of advertisers has made advertising space more expensive. For example, you can see this in the CPM, which now averages somewhere between 15 and 20 – 25 euros for the most normal projects. This was different many years ago, because there were not so many advertisers on Facebook and that’s why products sold faster. Secondly, I’d like to clarify this point once again: Facebook is an auction, the more people there are, the more people put money in there, the more expensive the advertising spaces become. As a small example, larger corporations such as Coca-Cola or – I don’t know, I don’t think Coca-Cola is on Facebook anymore, there was something last year that I think they’re distancing themselves from – it doesn’t matter for now – we’re talking about larger corporations that buy into these advertising spaces and of course they have several million to billions of euros per year in funds, they can throw in there to buy the seats. That’s why these large corporations don’t have to distribute particularly good creatives, because they get the attention through the omnipresence generally through all platforms, through this high budget that they have, and thus they crowd out the smaller media buyers or advertisers. So at this point to clarify again: several years ago there were fewer advertisers and therefore it was much easier and so emerged by the way also the coaches, because they really did millions of turnovers with China Dropshipping at that time. At that time, things like these massage guns, LED dog collars, it was all completely new, and no one knew it, and as soon as an ad popped up with it popped up, interest interest arose, of course, and a buying impulse and bang, you can collect data records with it, which scale again so that you just make mega-many sales.

Why Facebook Ads need to revolutionize themselves again and again

Of course, that doesn’t work in the long run, because first of all, the audience is saturated by these things they see, and at some point, more advertisers come, because they see that others are making mega sales with it, and so this market regulates itself downwards and then, if you of course as a former million dropshipper still want to make money – which then doesn’t work so well anymore, or let’s not say too easy, because suddenly you really have to deal with marketing, so with sales psychology, or conversion rate optimization – then of course you just do online courses by saying “hey, I made millions with this, give me 5000 or 10.000 and I’ll show you how to do it”, but for most people it just doesn’t work that well anymore. With time, it also becomes difficult, because I’m not saying it can’t be done, what I’m saying is that it has become more difficult.

Why are Facebook Ads prices rising?

Let’s get back to the topic: Facebook is an auction, so that’s settled, that’s where these big huge prices come from that are now being created for advertising space. But now the second factor comes into play and the second factor is audience. In the last few years, platforms like Pinterest have slipped behind in a big way, or TikTok, TikTok is very close behind Facebook. YouTube has evolved and therefore the audience is becoming more and more flooded with content, which, after all, is supposed to entertain them. Because for this platform, it’s all about keeping the audience’s attention on this platform for as long as possible. If you can keep the audience on the platform for a long time, you can play them more ads, but then of course you have to develop a certain sensitivity so that you don’t scare people away.that if they show him too much advertising they no longer have the desire or go out of the platform. So they have to keep inserting advertising that is somehow also good, or that actually triggers buying impulses, or simply advertising that is perhaps even cool, or that they like. So, unless you’re a billion-dollar corporation that can spend millions of dollars on ads just for branding and just to create an omnipresence, you need to think hard about how you’re going to adapt the ads, how you’re going to broadcast them, how you’re going to pick up the user, how you’re not going to make them realize in the first three seconds that this is advertising. You must only your own behavior on this platform, as far as the there are represented what I offer, if you wanted to advertise and you are interested in the topic is by the way the only reason why I have not yet booked YouTube Premium. I’m annoyed by the advertising, but I have to look at it or would like to see what others are doing and I see advertising where I say to myself “Wow I have not now on skip clicked”, then I know that was good, although I know it is no longer compete is only about selling something. A little tip for you.

Facebook Creatives Tutorial - The Audience

Back to the topic: the Audience has simply – how do you say so nicely the attention span of a goldfish, or a fly that flies again and again against the window, because it forgets every two seconds or one and a half seconds you can google, because a fly every 0.7 seconds I think even forgets that there was a pane and it flies against it again, because it simply does not see that in the next – and similar is with the audience. If you don’t pick them up with any pulses within the first few seconds, they keep scrolling. Say, if you’re doing the standard advertising as an insurance agent or as a real estate agent where you’re standing there and just saying “hey, I’m great, I’m offering you something, and to have the whole thing, me hello, click on the link and join in,” that’s not going to work anymore and that’s not going to get any better in the long run.
There are many examples of good advertising that actually also pick up users or that do something important at the beginning and then yes portray concerns. There was this advertisement with the glazing. I don’t know where it was, at the commercial a glazier carried a large glass plate, walked through the picture, dropped it and it shattered. Of course, this looks like a reel or a TikTok video that shows the accident of an employee and that keeps the audience in the mood to look at what it’s about, or what comes out of it now he gets now Trouble. Then the man just starts talking about how he’s looking for employees and hopefully they’re not as scatterbrained as he is and that was pretty good advertising. Whether that still works today, I mean someone has placed this kind of advertising now and maybe copying it can work, but it doesn’t have to.

Facebook Creatives Tutorial - Practical Example

What I don’t want to say is that it can’t work just to do standard advertising. I myself have 2020 and 2021 and probably next year again advertising for a bikini company, and could there also – the company has started from 0 to now and those were I think few weeks in which five-figure sales and also high four-figure profits have brought in – I could place. But because it was also the important time, when you are timing the bikini season. So already in February begins records to be collected, i.e., the end of February. Then it is of course clear that from March the people / the people who buy bikinis of course start to think about “yes soon it will be warm, yes I could use a bikini” and the first who are already advertising there, of course collect the first data, because every bikini store will then advertise in April at the latest and so you can – as a small example – just start to pick up the audience beforehand at a point where they are just starting to think about buying bikinis. But again, the risk is the increasing number of advertisers, because there are gradually more and more advertisers on Facebook. This means that if one bikini store advertises and the next and also always there are ten times the number in the next year, all these people share the advertising space, around the theme of bikini and thereby, of course, the price increases and the people with the most budget wins. Or the person with the most creative creatives, that’s why they’re called that. So you have only one thing left left either you have a lot of budget, or you have a lot of creativity. Because the increasing number of advertisers is the one problem that they just get more expensive the advertising space and the audience that at some point has been exposed to content in such a way that at some point they also become blind to it for certain things that still work this year and next year maybe not anymore.

Let eBakery run Facebook Ads

In the end, the best strategy is still to test and use every platform, have creative creatives and do multi-channel marketing, which means you use all platforms, for example via Google Ads. You know Google Ads is keyword-based. To work with Google Ads, to fix the prospects who are already looking for it anyway, by buying the ad slots at the top, to pick them up again in Facebook, because this person is already interested, so classic retargeting. For this in the ad at the very bottom you can create UTM parameters there, which is nothing but the link of your online store paired with Google Ads UTM parameters to, when the ad is clicked, just let Google track with, track clean with. In conclusion, as I said, the problem is the audience and the advertising budget, as well as the creativity you have to show and the marketing skills you have to acquire. For this reason, agencies are becoming more and more important, because simply placing ads is not enough, there is also conversion rate optimization, SEO plays a big role and additionally the creation of creatives. And now as an online store to have a department for creative creation, to have a media buyer or even someone who deals with SEO and SEA or media buying / Paid Ads Therefore, it makes sense to look for an agency that has everything in-jouse, in which the specialists coordinate with each other to provide the customers with advertising so that it is profitable again. Because every specialist concentrates on his area and can get the most out of it, there will never be an egg-laying lizard in this area that can do everything. This simply does not work. So if you are interested in promoting your ads, please contact us – we will be happy to help you as a Facebook Ads agency.

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