Instagram algorithm changes for reels

Here's what you need to keep in mind in 2021

These Instagram algorithm changes for reels – that is, the new video format that is very reminiscent of TikTok – are what you should pay attention to in 2021 in order to be successful on Instagram. Find out what these changes are and how to use them in our video.

Instagram Reels vs. TikTok

Instagram itself has now released the latest updates to the Reels algorithm and how it now works for Reels, we show you here. The still somewhat new Instagram Reels feature is more or less Instagram’s answer to TikTok. Similar to TikTok, Instagram Reels lets you create videos up to 30 seconds long, for which you can choose the music or sound you want from a music and sound library. Instagram thus puts the focus on videos. The new feature even has its own button in the app, the Reels tap. At this point in time, reels are the best and fastest way to still become successful on the platform.

Instagram Algorithm Changes for Reels - #1 Early Engagement

Now let’s take a look at the most important new algorithm information about it.

1.Early Engagement: After posting, Instagram first plays out the reel to a small group of users. If they like it, i.e. it gets a good watch time, is liked or shared in the story, then they play it out to other users. If they also react particularly well to the reel, they play it out again to other users. In this process, successful reels then get the feature tag. This means that Instagram itself testifies that this is a recommended reel. Reels go viral because of this feature. So in order for you to achieve the goal of the feature tag, you should make sure your reel gets good engagement pretty soon after you post it. You do this for example by sharing your reels in the feed as well. When sharing reels, there is also the function to share them only in your own reels tap. With this option, the reel will not be shared in the feed and therefore not with your followers. At this point in time, Instagram is placing special emphasis on early engagement among the multitude of reels. The likes from your followers ensure that reels are also played out to other users.

Instagram Algorithm Changes for Reels - Vertical Formats

2.Vertical formats: Instagram wants reels to be filmed exclusively on edge. All other formats are disliked and do not get the feature tag. You’re probably wondering why this is so important for Instagram. The main point here is that reels should always have the same appearance and also the same design. Users watch Reels on their smartphone while holding it vertically in their hand. So in order to create the same user experience for each reel, the formats for the reels should be consistent. In addition, the full screen is utilized in this way. So, to be successful with your reels, pay special attention to filming your reels vertically.

Why quality is so crucial

3.Quality: Reels with poor image quality or poor audio quality will not be played out by Instagram to other users. So when filming, make sure that your videos are of good quality. If you edit videos in an external program and then share them on Instagram as a reel, you should not use external music. It can happen that Instagram will take your reel off the platform due to copyright reasons or that the song will not be played by other users. Your video will be mute and of course will have little success. Instagram wants its users to use the music from the library that they provide especially for your users.

The latest Instagram algorithm changes for reels active accounts. If you consume and Liked Reels yourself, you will be more successful with your own Reels. Active accounts are rewarded by Instagram Reels. Instagram, just like TikTok, wants as many active Reels users as possible. By the way, this also applies to the content you want to share as a reel. Instagram wants native content. In other words, content that was even created with the app, if possible. Especially creative ideas are very welcome. Homemade videos used to start trends or make people laugh. Stolen videos, reels with a lot of text or videos with a watermark created with other apps are undesirable.

Watermarks are a no go for reels

The TikTok watermark in particular is so disliked on Instagram that videos are even removed that have the competitor’s logo on them. So try to fulfill Instagram’s wish and you will succeed with your reels on the platform and be rewarded by the algorithm. If you are still lacking a social media strategy, we will gladly support you as a social media agency.

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