LinkedIn Creator Mode

What it is and what functions it contains

In this LinkedIn tutorial, we’ll explain what LinkedIn Creator Mode is all about. What does this change? What advantages does it bring? What are the new features? And how can you use that for your business? All this in this video.

What is LinkedIn Creator Mode

Especially for users who regularly create their own content, this feature is interesting, because the creator mode is supposed to give the content on your profile more visibility and make profile visitors follow you. The big goal behind it, is to become an audio platform where audio content is combined with a professional profile. If you can’t find Creator Mode yet, it’s not unlocked on your end. LinkedIn will in fact only release this function gradually.

Functions of the LinkedIn Creator Mode

But what exactly is the Creator mode and what functions does it have? Through the Creator mode, you can choose up to 5 hashtags to create regular content for. LinkedIn automatically suggests suitable topics or you can add your own topics manually. The hashtags will then appear under the profile description. Through these topics, LinkedIn suggests your content to other members with similar interests without networking. With this, LinkedIn gives all content creators the opportunity to grow organically.

Networking vs. following

Also, LinkedIn puts your published posts and content at the top of the profile page so profile visitors can see at a glance why they should follow you. Another change made by the Creator mode is that the “Network” button is replaced by a “Follow” button. Activating the Creator mode in this way changes your main goal. The possibility of networking remains nevertheless. You can find the networking button under “More” next to the news function.

The following must now be observed

This change of destination also changes the display of contacts. In Creator mode, the number of followers is displayed instead of the number of contacts. Networks are automatically counted as followers, so you don’t have to start from scratch. Make sure you leave the follow option set to “all members”, otherwise Creator mode will be automatically disabled.

Does LinkedIn Creator Mode make sense for businesses?

Creator mode makes sense for all LinkedIn members who want to generate more followers. However, you shouldn’t expect any miracles from the function, since the Creator mode is basically just a restructuring of the profile. However, if you want to create content regularly in the future, the Creator mode will really help you get more followers. Also, LinkedIn has already announced more features to be added for Content Creator. To stay up to date, subscribe to our channel now and give us a thumbs up.

The social media agency

Now you know what LinkedIn Creator brings you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the experts at eBakery. We are happy to assist you as a social media agency. We are also happy to take care of building your LinkedIn company page.

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